Thursday, May 29, 2008


I am so fucking scared right now. I talked to Hubby just now and he told me that S wanted to come over and hang out and he didn't know what he was going to do because he was tired. She gets off at 7a so she won't be there until later. Last night was a stepping stone for Hubby and I and I want things to slowly work for us. He told me that too. I have to trust him but I don't know what her intentions are and I know she is super hurt but Hubby is really confused and hurt and doesn't know what to do.

I am so scared that she will do whatever it takes to get him back. I'm scared that she will spend the night again and then what do I do with that? Do I keep trying? It's hard to work on a relationship and a family when there's another person involved that you don't know what kind of move they are going to make. My intentions are pretty on target. I know what I want and will do whatever it takes to make things work but what if spending the night with someone else comes into the picture? Will I be able to compromise? Can I handle that? I don't even know if it will happen or not! I am just freaking out because I have a little bit of hope that things will work out and I am so fucking unbelievably scared right now that it will all just blow away in the wind because of confusion and hurt feelings.

What do I do and how do I handle this??????????????

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