Thursday, June 26, 2008

Some of the Good Things

I really needed to write this post. This is a post that will remind me of all of the good things that has happened to Hubby and I and all of the good things that have to do with Hubby and the way we are.

Over the course of 8 going on 9 years, I have always focused on the bad things that took place with us and the good things always came with a "but". So not fair for both of us. It's no wonder why we didn't make it but life gives everyone a second chance and this is mine. I am learning that my mouth got me in a lot of trouble. Every time something petty came up, I was critical. Money, choices, words. . . .I always had a comment and usually didn't think before I shot off at the mouth to make my point heard. I have always prided myself on my opinion and most of the time it wasn't necessary to voice it because it wasn't asked for and it was usually hurtful. I'm learning that I need to think before I speak and listen more than I have in the past. So far this has saved quite a few unnecessary arguments which for the most part have all been unnecessary.

I have learned that Hubby has a lot to offer. He is a good provider to his family and to me. In the past, some people have told me that no he is not because his job is seasonal. I spent a lot of time defending him and coming up with reasons why it was okay that he works in the profession that he does. Fuck it. The people that were filling my head with filth that didn't even concern them nor did it directly affect them had no business telling me the bullshit that they did. At times financially it is frustrating for couples to deal with money and for myself I needed to vent. That is a new lesson that I have learned. Be grateful for what you have because someone else could have it and you could have nothing. It may not be what you think you should have but you could always have less. I have had less and having this chance is like a kid walking into a candy store with nothing and having a grown up hand them a fifty dollar bill just for being there to spend on whatever they want. Hubby also has an amazing sense of humor which helps when times are down and depressing. He always knows how to pick my spirits up and make me feel better when I am stressed or sad.

Hubby is also a great dad. Why? Because I said. . . and also because I've seen plenty of guys out there that had no business breeding but they did. Not to mention that I think no person who has no children or is directly related to that child has the right to judge whether or not someone is a good parent or not. Until you wake up every day like Scrooge in my shoes and walk through them, feed my kids chicken nuggets, make him clean up his room, wash his hair and have to deal with whether or not he had a good or bad day at school which is the same parallel thing that Hubby has to deal with, you are not allowed to be judge, jury and prosecutor.

Hubby is changing. . . all for the better for him and everyone around him. He is more patient and understanding. He is allowing me to say things with a grain of salt and listening more but I am trying to do that on my end too and picking and choosing what I say more carefully.

In closing, S asked that I be good to Hubby and not leave him and work our issues out. I didn't know (actually I did know what I wanted to say but there was way too much) what to say so I just "okay". When you have had to fight for the things that you love and I don't mean a shirt or a job but a family and your life, when you finally get the opportunity to vindicate yourself, you will do everything in your power to prove that the fight was worth it to everyone. I am making it a point to show Hubby that I am true to my word and that I will try my damnedest to rectify everything that has happened and occurred. Both of us have learned from all of this and everything that has happened in the past which is why the past will remain just that and not be brought up again.

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