Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Fresh Start

I finally heard the words that were music to my ears today - "We can start over"

Hubby and I have had a very turbulent couple of months. The ball has been in his court for some time now and I have been frustrated, impatient and worried that I would never have the opportunity try with my family ever again. It was a HUGE fear of mine that it would be lost forever and that I and my family would be grouped into the statistics of how 50% of all relationships fail and that it is very commonplace for children to grow up and deal with broken family's. I have worked so hard to stay, show my true emotions even when it was SOOOO not necessary and be honest about how I feel.

One of the things that I noticed last night when I was talking to my MIL was that I used to feel very inferior to Hubby by the way we talked to each other and how I took what he said to me literally. Since we have been talking, the way that he talks and interacts with me is much different than in the past. It is with more respect and regards to me as a person than before. It's almost like putting me on a pedestal and it makes me feel so important in his eyes and is such a wonderful feeling to have that. All I was asking for was a chance at another go at it with him and our son. I never expected to have this as an added bonus.

When I heard the words that I heard today I was absolutely elated and overjoyed. My morning had flown by due to workload. Now the rest of the day is absolutely dragging on because all I want to do is race to my son and get him and then race home and give Hubby the biggest kiss of his life. I know how I can screw this (my mouth and not thinking) and I know how to make this work (not pushing his buttons). As long as I focus on those things and both of us have agreed that we will NEVER bring all of this ugliness up again, nothing can stop us.

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