Monday, June 30, 2008

A Pig in Shit

Ever heard that expression as far as happiness is concerned? I have felt like that all weekend. I finally am where I want to be right now and Hubby and I are working diligently on it to make it work. Our son has calmed down, we spent some much needed time together alone quite a bit this weekend and just genuinely had a very nice and relaxing weekend.

However Hubby said over the weekend that he had told S to forget about him and move on. She asked why he was being mean and he asked if that was a mean statement. I didn't think so. When you break it off with someone it's best for a clean break I think. However, I think she's having a difficult time moving on. Calling and texting. . . always something or reason for the call or text. . . .I texted Hubby this morning asking for some gas money because I am broke until the end of the week. He had asked "What is it with you women and asking for money" in a joking money so he tells me that S had called and needed new tires for her car and couldn't get a hold of her dad to pay for them so Hubby helped her out and she's going to pay him back sometime this week. That just seems really weird to me but I can't really get mad because it's just. . . .weird. I was thinking to myself "What if Hubby wasn't around and you needed a tire? What would you do then?" Plus she called for a really weird reason yesterday too. I'm not going to go into what it was but it was weird too. Hubby had said he thought he had a stalker on his hands.

I don't think he wants to be too mean and say "hey look. . . ." I told him I thought she was sticking around in the event things went sour again with us and that way she wouldn't miss out. He definitely agreed with me. I told him that wasn't going to happen. . . . . . she'll be waiting a long time. I just hope she doesn't call for every little ache and pain, financial issue that crosses her path. Hubby had even said that he's only known her for a few months and for her to be that needy in a few months is kind of creepy. I so agree. But like I said, I'll give all of this time. Hubby had told me to trust him which is what I need to do. This is more of his mess to have to wrangle if it is a mess in the first place. I think it has the potential of being a mess and I'll trust him but I can't say that I trust her. She knows the choice he made and what he's wanting to do but I don't think she cares. . . . that's just me though.

Either wayI'm standing by guarded but still happy.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Negative People

Ya know. . . .I just don't get negative people. I mean I get them because I used to be that and I try really hard now not to be that way but I just don't understand why people find it so necessary to put so much effort into being mean and negative towards people, places and things that either don't concern them or things that they literally have no control over.

I'm tired of being negative. It's completely counterproductive and serves no purpose. Oh there's a time and a place to be pissed at stuff definitely but to be perpetually pissed all the time at stupid shit is just beyond me. For example, when I drive to work now I use my cruise control and go 60 which is the speed limit. I have cut my gas costs in half from $100 per week down to $50. People in STL drive crazy anyway and since I've started driving this way many people fly around me, get angry and are pretty belligerent. I don't do this in the passing lane because that would just be a fight waiting to happen not to mention just plain inconsiderate. I'm the one laughing all the way to the bank not to mention that I will never see any of these people again. So I ask, why put so much effort into something that really doesn't concern you? It's my right to drive that way, I'm being safe in my driving and if anything, it calms me down. I don't have to worry about who's flying up on my car because it will ALWAYS happen nor do I have to worry so much about the other cars and where they are going because I stay in the same lane. It gives me a half an hour to reflect on my day, listen to my music and look forward to coming home to my son and family. So what does that have to do with you? Nothing. . . absolutely nothing. Yet people still find time as well as the capacity to behave in this manner as though I will change my driving habits just to suit their needs.

I guess what being negative all boils down to is being self centered. Most people who are negative think that people go out of their way just to piss them off. How fruit is that? Or they jump the gun and think that things happen to them just to inconvenience their life? Who cares? My life is too short to care at this point. There's too many good things on this earth and things that could happen to me that are good for me to sit around and bitch about every little thing that is an imposition to either me or the things around me. From now on I'm going to find at least one good thing in everything that comes across my path.

Saying for the day: When I see a person who is negative think this: God put people such as you on this planet to make people such as myself look that much better.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Some of the Good Things

I really needed to write this post. This is a post that will remind me of all of the good things that has happened to Hubby and I and all of the good things that have to do with Hubby and the way we are.

Over the course of 8 going on 9 years, I have always focused on the bad things that took place with us and the good things always came with a "but". So not fair for both of us. It's no wonder why we didn't make it but life gives everyone a second chance and this is mine. I am learning that my mouth got me in a lot of trouble. Every time something petty came up, I was critical. Money, choices, words. . . .I always had a comment and usually didn't think before I shot off at the mouth to make my point heard. I have always prided myself on my opinion and most of the time it wasn't necessary to voice it because it wasn't asked for and it was usually hurtful. I'm learning that I need to think before I speak and listen more than I have in the past. So far this has saved quite a few unnecessary arguments which for the most part have all been unnecessary.

I have learned that Hubby has a lot to offer. He is a good provider to his family and to me. In the past, some people have told me that no he is not because his job is seasonal. I spent a lot of time defending him and coming up with reasons why it was okay that he works in the profession that he does. Fuck it. The people that were filling my head with filth that didn't even concern them nor did it directly affect them had no business telling me the bullshit that they did. At times financially it is frustrating for couples to deal with money and for myself I needed to vent. That is a new lesson that I have learned. Be grateful for what you have because someone else could have it and you could have nothing. It may not be what you think you should have but you could always have less. I have had less and having this chance is like a kid walking into a candy store with nothing and having a grown up hand them a fifty dollar bill just for being there to spend on whatever they want. Hubby also has an amazing sense of humor which helps when times are down and depressing. He always knows how to pick my spirits up and make me feel better when I am stressed or sad.

Hubby is also a great dad. Why? Because I said. . . and also because I've seen plenty of guys out there that had no business breeding but they did. Not to mention that I think no person who has no children or is directly related to that child has the right to judge whether or not someone is a good parent or not. Until you wake up every day like Scrooge in my shoes and walk through them, feed my kids chicken nuggets, make him clean up his room, wash his hair and have to deal with whether or not he had a good or bad day at school which is the same parallel thing that Hubby has to deal with, you are not allowed to be judge, jury and prosecutor.

Hubby is changing. . . all for the better for him and everyone around him. He is more patient and understanding. He is allowing me to say things with a grain of salt and listening more but I am trying to do that on my end too and picking and choosing what I say more carefully.

In closing, S asked that I be good to Hubby and not leave him and work our issues out. I didn't know (actually I did know what I wanted to say but there was way too much) what to say so I just "okay". When you have had to fight for the things that you love and I don't mean a shirt or a job but a family and your life, when you finally get the opportunity to vindicate yourself, you will do everything in your power to prove that the fight was worth it to everyone. I am making it a point to show Hubby that I am true to my word and that I will try my damnedest to rectify everything that has happened and occurred. Both of us have learned from all of this and everything that has happened in the past which is why the past will remain just that and not be brought up again.

Parting Ways

Last night I stopped by Hubby's house to visit before S came to get the last of her things and they could say their goodbye's to each other. Since the incident that happened over a week ago, I have managed to not see her or talk to her which is a good thing, not that I don't want to but I just didn't know what I would say and I also haven't had the time to create that dialog in my brain with all of the stuff that's been going on. Right now I can only focus on one thing at a time.

So last night our son and I were getting ready to leave, he was dealing me a fit and she pulled up. I talked with my son in the house for a little bit and then managed to get him out of the house. I went to the table on the patio and got a cigarette and looked over. She motioned for me to come to her and I did. She gave me a big hug and said she was sorry which I asked her for what. She had said everything. She and I talked for a long time. We talked about Hubby's and my situation, her situation, raising kids and making decisions. I told her one thing that was very important for me to tell her. First of all, she has lots of drama in her life. I told her last night that this was the only piece of advice that I could give her - "You will get to a certain point in your life where you will be so tired and sick of everything that is happening that you will no longer bitch about what is going on and letting silly shit happen. You will just do whatever is necessary to take care of getting that situation behind you so that you don't have to deal with it anymore. Even if you don't think you can do it, you will just find a way to do it and get it done."

S has a lot of things that she thinks she cannot overcome because she hasn't tried. You can't fail if you don't try. I think that Hubby gave me that advise. Some of the greatest advise has been given to me by that man. Advise is also a gift that should be cherished. Someone who is wiser and been through more is trying to give part of them self to you to help that person out. I don't have to give advise but most of the time it helps me too. It helps me give back to others that have given to me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Fresh Start

I finally heard the words that were music to my ears today - "We can start over"

Hubby and I have had a very turbulent couple of months. The ball has been in his court for some time now and I have been frustrated, impatient and worried that I would never have the opportunity try with my family ever again. It was a HUGE fear of mine that it would be lost forever and that I and my family would be grouped into the statistics of how 50% of all relationships fail and that it is very commonplace for children to grow up and deal with broken family's. I have worked so hard to stay, show my true emotions even when it was SOOOO not necessary and be honest about how I feel.

One of the things that I noticed last night when I was talking to my MIL was that I used to feel very inferior to Hubby by the way we talked to each other and how I took what he said to me literally. Since we have been talking, the way that he talks and interacts with me is much different than in the past. It is with more respect and regards to me as a person than before. It's almost like putting me on a pedestal and it makes me feel so important in his eyes and is such a wonderful feeling to have that. All I was asking for was a chance at another go at it with him and our son. I never expected to have this as an added bonus.

When I heard the words that I heard today I was absolutely elated and overjoyed. My morning had flown by due to workload. Now the rest of the day is absolutely dragging on because all I want to do is race to my son and get him and then race home and give Hubby the biggest kiss of his life. I know how I can screw this (my mouth and not thinking) and I know how to make this work (not pushing his buttons). As long as I focus on those things and both of us have agreed that we will NEVER bring all of this ugliness up again, nothing can stop us.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Very Good Weekend

I had a very good weekend. Granted there was some drama that for once was not my doing but on a whole, it was a great weekend for Hubby, the boy and I.

We didn't have any cross words between the two of us, we spent time together as a family and as a couple and just regularly enjoyed being around each other. There's some other goofy stuff going on that I won't get into right now but for now I am taking each day as it comes and being grateful for the goodness that each one brings. Some things are not so good and I am looking for all of the positive things that are within those things so that they don't seem so bad and overwhelming. So far this tactic has worked and helped me keep my sanity and keep things in perspective. It's helped me to help myself and in turn I've been able to help those around me.

I have realized just how important my family is to me. Spending time with them this weekend and seeing the love between Hubby and our son is amazing and powerful not to mention when you get all three of us together, I was noticing that it's almost overwhelming the feelings that I get. It gives me hope that we will all make it and that everything will be okay. I hope there are more weekends and eventually weeks like this to come in the future.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Boulder has Lifted at Least for Now

Last night I talked with Hubby when I got off of work about what had happened on Sunday a little bit. I remembered my post about clarity and made sure that everything that I wanted to tell him was very clear. As much as I wanted to tell him "I can't wait to start over again and please take me back because I love you more than sliced bread" I had to remember my sanity and how I lost it on Sunday.

I told him that I thought what had happened on Sunday had to do with the medication that I had been prescribed. He agreed. That was a HUGE weight that was lifted off of my shoulders. I thought all week that he was taking it personally what had happened and it was like forgiveness for me to hear him agree with me. I also told him that as much as I love him and want things to work out, for my own sanity, I can't do that with another individual hanging around. He had said that he was waiting for me to say one phrase - Everything is going to be okay. I felt for him because I know that feeling and I also know that he'd scared right now. I know he is worried that I'm going to book, things won't be the same with us, things won't work out, I don't love him, etc. These are all "what-if's" that if you dwell on them too long they will drive you absolutely mad. I did that for a while with us just recently trying to answer my own questions and I never got the answers.

Hubby told me that he loves me and always will and is completely lost without me. He told me that he didn't think things would work with him and S but needed to get some things out of the way and that she has way too many issues and drama for his liking. I told him to do what he needed to do and that he knew where I was and what I wanted. When that time came to let me know but until then, I had to keep my distance just for my own sanity. The strangest thing about all of this is for the longest time, I had such a dislike for this woman and after talking to him last night I really could care a less about what happens to her or where she goes or what she does. It just doesn't really bother me anymore I think mostly because I know deep down in my heart how he feels. We both agreed that he, I and our son is our life. . . . nothing more and that it has all been ripped apart and will take a while to piece back together.

All of this will take time. . . .the one thing that I just love so much but right now that's the one thing I have working in my favor. Today has been another good day so far! Maybe he and I will do some more talking tonight. . . .

Thursday, June 19, 2008


It's getting to the point where I write and forget to put something in and have to write a second post. Oh well. . . .I don't think anyone is reading these anyway.

I titled this post what I did because through everything that has happened, so many shades of gray have presented themselves and no "black" or "white" issues have either been resolved or discussed. The infamous "I don't know" has been on the back, front and side burner of the stove and everyone unfortunately has gotten burned because of it. I have sit back for a while now and knew what my intentions were and what I wanted. There was no "I want you and then I'm going to leave" even though I did it twice before and reason why I say that is because if I had to go through this from leaving it isn't worth it to any of us if I were to leave. I felt on trial for the longest time and for what? Nothing. I feel as though everything that I said and did was for nothing. See I thought that if I told Hubby how I really felt and showed him that I really and truly do love him that he would understand. Now that I look back on it, I don't think that he was even able to pay attention long enough to see where I was coming from let alone make a decision on how to deal with what I was throwing in his direction and I don't mean a hammer either.

"I don't know. . . . " ever heard the saying of not making a decision is the same as making one? Hubby had a choice to make between two women and not having the clarity of knowing which one that would be was maddening. Not knowing and having the clarity of what he was telling her would be the future was maddening. This is what I'm talking about with shades of gray. She may have been told plenty of "black" and "white" stories but I didn't know what was to come next or where I stood. Every day I was just hoping for an hour or two alone with him to be able to have a chance. What kind of life is that? That is someone in love. That is someone who is in a little boat in a vast sea hoping for some help and seeing nothing. Oh I felt things from Hubby and "interpreted" different things that he told me that made me feel good but did he mean it? Deep down inside I think he did.

That's why I titled this post "Clarity". I have taken clarity for granted my whole life. It is so important to say what you mean and not what you think that someone wants to hear. Even if it takes you three hours to spit it out it is better than saying something you don't mean just because you can't face the other person's reaction. Being clear about how you feel and being clear about your intentions are so important. That is something that I can see as clear as day right now. Before I was too preoccupied with whether or not Hubby was going to "choose" or not to know what was going on. I always had that little glimmer of hope that he was going to come riding in on a horse and say "nightmare is all gone honey. . . .let's go home" but it never happened. Now I don't know what I have. . . . clarity again. . . .the easiest way to deal with that is to put it in simplest terms. I have a roof over my head, a job and children. The other things will come given time if it is in my future but for now it is not sad as it sounds.

Another Day of Betterness

Even though my son threw up in the bed that we were sleeping in last night at 11pm from coughing, yesterday was another good day. Yeah, like "betterness" is a word but I'll use it for now.

Hubby had to go to work early this morning so he asked if I wanted our son to spend the night. Why would I argue? It's time I get to spend with him and he is such a trip. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are a riot but at being 5 years old, what do you expect?

Last night I made dinner for the boy, ate half a sandwich and popped a beer and folded laundry. Made deals with my boy about eating ice cream and taking a shower and just did the mom thing last night. I was scurrying about the house getting stuff done when I saw my phone and went to put it on the charger when I saw that I had a missed text. Hubby had texted me just minutes previously and asked what I was doing. God did that throw me off. Was he completely drunk? I didn't care and took it and responded modestly with showering the boy and folding clothes. I didn't want to mess this up too much and was just grateful that he was talking to me. We texted back and forth a couple of times throughout the evening and our son called him before we went to bed. I read him a book about Christmas and puppies and he fell asleep immediately afterwards. I fell asleep too right away.

Just knowing that you're worth talking to for a brief minute helped me to sleep too. I didn't feel so worthless. . . .today will be a better day I think as well.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Slow day and driving me nuts!

I am having a slow day at work today which doesn't help the brain. They say an idle mind is the devil's playground. Well I'm sure that Satan is having a field day in mine today but I'm trying to think good things as hard as it may be.

I wrote earlier today and needed to get more out I think.

Through all of this turmoil that we've been through, I've lost friends. . . . what few that I have had, I have lost them all. My one friend who was Hubby was the last and I don't know how to take it but if I were to tell him how I felt now, alone and isolated I know he would tell me that I shouldn't have done what I did. True, I shouldn't have done what I did. I also shouldn't have been prescribed what I had been but I don't think anyone knew that until it was too late. Why is it that everyone that I have talked to about this medicine understands except for Hubby? I'm also afraid to ask him if he understands or even cares because I don't think that he does. He had told me that if I had another seizure that he wouldn't care, that he didn't love me, didn't care what happened to me, knew that I didn't love him (which isn't true by a long shot but that's just me talking) and some other things that cut deep to the core but I can't remember.

Point being is that we have said we are friends and I have FELT that we are friends. . . best of friends through all of this. Some of the time things have felt "off" or not quite right and I couldn't put my finger on it as far as the vibes I was getting from him after I left but now there is literally nothing. No kind words, no love, no niceness at all. Just nothing but hate from his end. I have never felt so much hate from one person before in my entire life directed right at me. It's bad enough to have lost him as a mate - fine and now to loose him as a friend is even worse but to absolutely hate the blood that courses through my veins is beyond taking him just not loving me anymore. I can't handle having just about anyone hating me. . . well that's not true because most people I could care a less if they hated me because most people don't know me that well but he is a different story. I can't even remember if I KNOW anyone that has hated me in my lifetime. Why does hate feel as awful as love feels awesome? Hate is the most horrible feeling in the world not to mention it is so ugly and does nothing but harm. I spent so much of my life disliking people but not "hating" them. There were only I think about 3 people in my life that I hated and I think now I will let it go after all of this. . . .I learned my lesson on that one.

People make mistakes and I made a grave and awful one. . .one that I do not think I will ever be able to make up nor be forgiven for. Because of that, I am afraid to ask for forgiveness and can barely talk to Hubby without him getting absolutely furious with me for whatever it is that I say. It is driving me nuts to not be forgiven. I'm not asking him to tell me that it was "okay" what I did but to just fucking forgive me. I have to deal with the fact that I have lost him as a soul mate and that we are strictly just dealing with each other as parents. I have no idea how he feels that his best friend attacked him and destroyed his new truck or that he no longer wants to deal with me. His mother said that she thought it scared him what he saw on Sunday. It probably did and with our son being there when it happened I'm sure he didn't know what to think. My son talked to me after all of that happened and told me that hitting was wrong and a big no-no and to never do it again.

I will just say this, through our relationship of 8 years, Hubby has done things that I have stuck by him and have hurt me so much. I didn't say anything to him at the time about it, was angry and then had to forgive him because I love him even though at times it would happen over and over again but I still forgave him. I just hope that one day he will forgive me for the awful things that I've done. . . .

Each Day

Yesterday was a good day for me. I have to take each one as they come right now.

Even being a good day yesterday, Hubby and I had a difficult time communicating yesterday. We did more of it but he was very angry and cold with me either on the phone or while texting. At one point in time he said something to me that I didn't know the answer to, said he wasn't going to sit on the phone while I sat all quiet so I didn't know what to do and hung up the phone. Next thing that came was a text on my phone from him asking if I wanted him to fuck me up and not to ever hang up on him again. It is going to take so long for his hatred towards me to subside and I know most people would say "Why do you even care?"

Because of our son.

I told him yesterday that if this is going to work for our boy that we have to try not to be so angry. He thought I was joking. I know he is furious with me and there's nothing I can do to change that but it's not helping the situation with our son. Hubby has had anger issues since I left and had told me (before the incident on Sunday) that he was just looking for a reason to "fuck someone up". He was telling me about S's ex at the time and how he had talked with him on the phone. To be honest with you, I don't know why he didn't lay me out on Sunday. If he did, I would be either in the hospital right now or dead. He makes more than 2 of me and is strong. Since I've lost so much weight and wasn't in my right mind, it wouldn't have taken much for anyone, let alone him to do some serious damage.

What I have to deal with now is the hate. When he speaks to me it is with such a loathing tone and such a hate filled pitch. . . like he can't even stand to talk to me. He told me yesterday that he can't even stand to look at me. What do you say to that? Okay? I had to. Nothing else to say. I can't fight anymore for my own well being so every word I speak to him now or text to him is like walking on eggshells. When I hung up on him yesterday, I apologized because honestly I didn't know what to say, froze and hung up. I've done the wrong things for so long, made the wrong choices without thinking and this is where most of it has gotten me. He made a comment yesterday as I was taking our son up to the house about how everything can't get much more fucked up because our son couldn't make up his mind whether he wanted to go or not with me. Yeah, I'd agree. It can't get much worse than this.

There is a song by KORN called "Right Now" that before all of this happened, I had told him reminded me of how he feels about me. He told me at the time that no he doesn't hate me at all. I think if I asked him today, he would probably start singing the song to me.

The good parts of yesterday. . . .I picked our son up from Hubby yesterday and had him spend the night with me. We had dinner together, watched TV together, played together, went for a walk outside together, gave him a bath and put him to bed. He slept in bed with me last night and it was the best that I've slept in about a week and a half. Spending time with him felt so good and watching him made me realize that I left something and did something that was so detrimental that I hope that it doesn't cause any damage to our son. (I call him "our" because I didn't do it all by myself) Make it right, make it right, make it right. That's all I keep playing in my head.

How do you do that when you don't know where to start? I guess that's why I titled this post what I did.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

All downhill from here

I saw a psychologist last night. . . a woman who is in her 60's. I found her on my own and was the second choice from my initial first. My gut said no on the first so don't ask.

I really like this woman. She asked a bunch of questions and we talked and she gave much needed advise. I told her about the medication that I was on and one of her strengths is dealing with people who have various medical conditions such as myself and with medications. She and I talked about the importance of watching what medications are put into an ecliptic's body. She also told me something that put my mind at ease more than most doctors have in a long time:

Epileptics tend to get angrier easier, cry easier and get happy easier - it's a known study.

I have not taken my Zoloft today and feel fine. I do not feel like a crazy person and feel as though I can think on my own. I don't have all kinds of weird thoughts going through my head and am focusing on my kids right now. Each day I have to find out how I can interact more with my son because right now I am severely limited on when and how long if at all the time that I can spend with him because of everything that has happened.

Hubby has made it very clear that our relationship is strictly parental based. That is still very hard for me to deal with but it's something that I have to accept. What is really hard to accept is when we do talk about our son in the small conversations that we have, he is very cold and short on the phone. I don't even have conversations with strangers like that on the phone but then again I didn't do what I did to him to a stranger. One by one my friend support system has vanished so maybe it's a good thing that some of this has come about.

Each day can only get better than the first now that it's behind me and I need to focus on myself and my kids.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Don't know where to begin. .. .

This story is long and complicated so I will keep it short.

The doctor put me on Zoloft to help with depression and on Ambien to help with sleeping. Sometimes the Ambien works sometimes it doesn't. Either way, I don't like the Zoloft. I don't like how it makes me feel and act and think. I don't feel like me and I don't feel like I know the people around me. The only thing different now is that I'm not crying. . . . .

I have an anger disorder which I've had for the majority of my life. I don't tell a lot of people about it because most of them laugh when I tell them so I just kept it to myself. I have spent my whole life overcoming it up until yesterday. Yesterday, I had something in my that I couldn't identify with except for when I was a teenager. It hurt and burned so deep and had no reasoning behind it just nothing but hurt which is extremely dangerous. All I wanted to do was destroy something, hurt it, hit something so that something else hurt as much as I did. So I not only hit Hubby but I threw a hammer at him and then kicked the side of his brand new truck about 6 times. I dented his truck door and probably did about $600 dollars worth of damage to it.

Reason for all of this?

I can't let go and move on.

I can't deal with Hubby being with another woman. I can't let go of my family and I can't let go of the fact that I have lost. I have lost so much that it hurts to the point where I can't see the good things in my life which is what I have to start doing which is starting with my kids. My kids are the most important thing to me in my life right now and always will be. How and why I lost sight of that, I could kick my own ass for loosing it.

Today was the first day and it was hard. I have more ahead of me which is not what I was saying last night. I have someone that I am seeing this evening that will help me work through my problems so I hope that everything works out. I'm tired of being upset, watching my kids from afar and not enjoying things that God put on this earth for all of us to enjoy. It can only get better.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dr. Appointment

I have put in calls to my doctor this morning at 9a and at 11:30a to call me to make an appointment. I haven't gotten a call back and I need him to check me to make sure that I'm okay and nothing is majorly wrong. There's a number of symptoms that I have that have been all of a sudden within the past 2 months that are of a major concern to me and I want to make sure that it's taken care of before I become hospitalized if that is the case. . . .I'll just say that.

Home life has gotten not so much for the better and some for the better. . . .

I have to make sure my health is taken care first.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Loss of Sleep - Ugh. . . .

I got no sleep at all last night. That was after taking 2 Tylenol PM's knowing that I would probably not sleep well. I didn't think that I wouldn't be able to sleep at all though. At around 1am this morning I broke out in a drenched sweat and rolled from one side to the other all night.

The only time I sleep well is when Hubby is there.

I haven't slept well since I left. I've woke up at least 3-4 times a night unless I sleep down at the house with him. I feel like Linus who needs his big blue blanket and sucks his thumb.

I've tried drinking before I go to bed, that doesn't work. I've tried prescription tranquilizers and I still wake up even when I up the dosage. The last time that I didn't sleep through the night at all, I ended up at Hubby's house at 3 in the morning and tried to kick his ass, tore up the front patio and scared everyone including myself half to death. It took me 10 minutes afterwards to stop breathing hard that night or morning however you want to look at it. I literally went insane that night and know why. . . .

I can't shut my brain off, period.

I ask for things to do at work throughout the day to distract myself. When I get home, I am constantly cleaning or doing things to release my brain from thinking. Every night when I go to sleep I think and think and think. Last night I told myself to shut up and stop thinking but it didn't work. My brain is a mass of jelly right now.

So what do I think about?

Hmmmmm. . . . current situation which is getting worse and deeper by each passing day. I write in this blog to release what is in me. It's like purging for me right now. Half of this shit I can't dump or unload on anyone not to mention that there is nobody there for me to dump on and I wouldn't be able to do ALL of that to another human being. There's just too much there.

So, last night I came home and tried to explain to Hubby that I'm spent, tired, need help and cried. He told me to be strong. I told him that I was trying. Every day I try and get exhausted by the end of the day which usually ends up being the hardest. I rush home for more beatings to either spend time with our son and with Hubby. I can't have a conversation go by with him without hearing about something having to do with the current situation that S is in or going through or whatever. I don't mean to be cold but I'm not seeing her and I am not friends with her. I am dealing with what is left of our family and myself. I don't have the capacity to deal with what is going on in her personal life outside of Hubby. I went to the store last night to pick up some things and when I came back she was there and Hubby had told me a bit ago that if it bothered me so much not to look so I didn't. I didn't say much and dropped off what I picked up for him and glanced. She had said nothing to me as I had to her when I came up but the look on her face when I glanced at her was very interesting. . . .


Funny thing about women is that they are caddy, emotional, irrational and for me, very easy to read. It may take me a while to pick it out right away but that is how I am. My statement that I just made was not directed at S because I know ALL women are like this, count me in as well since I fall into that category. I know that I am all of the above. I also know that when you ask me where I'm coming from there are no guessing games. Most people that are around me know how I feel unfortunately, blame it on my mom if you want to. My mom told it like it was with no bullshit mixed in and led a hard life. I have not led the life that my mom had led but it's been no easy path. Point being that when I saw the look on S's face at the short look that I took of her last night was one that I will have imprinted in my brain for a long time. It was not a look of happiness or friendliness. She and I have not talked all that much nor do I know her. The look on her face was cold and one of intimidation. She was standing in front of her car smoking a cigarette with her side to Hubby. Hubby was looking at me as I walked his things to him and he told me to put them in the carport. In between that short conversation that he and I had where he was looking at me was when I glanced and saw. . . .

You can call me cold and untrustworthy and guarded. I'm just having to protect myself right now from getting anymore hurt.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One more for the day

I had to write again because I've had a day from hell not to mention that I'm sure that everyone else has too who is around me.

I beat myself up and I know that. I've done it for a long time if not my whole life. Through all of this I have beat myself up and asked Hubby for forgiveness. So much has been said that I don't know if in the flurry of words, arguments, ugly sayings and hurt if he did say he did or not. I have been walking on eggshells through all of this hoping that I don't say the wrong thing, hoping that I don't do the wrong thing. . . . hope, hope, hope.

Hurt right now doesn't even qualify the feelings that I have inside and I now know what Hubby felt like when I left him. I think that I've known that for a little bit but just couldn't identify it. The feeling of not having someone love you anymore is the most unbearable feeling in the world especially when you love that person so much that you would do beyond anything for them. . . even let them go. Crying does no good in this situation and that's all I can do is cry. I may cry my whole life about this and continue to beat myself up over all of this.

All I keep saying is I don't know what to do or what else to do because I can barely make decisions on my own at this point in time in my life. All I do know is that I need some serious help and I don't know what or who I am going home to tonight. I do know that my son won't be there though. I feel like everything has been completely and utterly lost and it is all my fault. . . .every last bit of it.

Falling Apart

I feel like my life is spinning out of control right now. I keep getting calls from daycare saying that our son is not behaving and that he misses us. I want to leave so bad and just commit myself.

I can't take much more of this if any at all. Seeing our son in such a mess is beyond hurtful right now. Hubby and I . . . I don't know where we are going and that's part of the reason why I want to commit myself because this is having an effect on our son.

Last night our son wanted to talk to God about Mommy, Daddy and him and how he misses the three of us. I told him it was okay to talk to him about that. He wanted to get in bed with me, he wanted to get up, he whined, he did all kinds of things that a normal 5 year old going through a broken relationship would do. He doesn't understand what's going on. Plus when we drop him off at daycare, he is out of control within an hour of him being there. It's almost 10am now and I haven't gotten a call back yet from the first one that I received earlier.

I have no family right now, I have no life right now, I have nobody (mate wise) that loves me back, I have a son who is in constant turmoil, I have a mate that I want that doesn't want me back who is so upset and confused and what's more has two people that love him. He told me last night that he's tired of being shit on and always giving to everyone else and getting nothing in return. He has been given a lot right now. Two people that love him whether he cares if one of those people love him or not. He has a son who is being taken care of no matter what takes place. His bills will be taken care of and are up to date. He has a job, new truck, a woman that he can talk to, go places with, love and spend time with. It seems like me being around has caused as much chaos as me leaving.

Last night he told me if some "dumb hooker" wouldn't have left this all wouldn't have happened. I told him that I can't change the past but move forward and try the best that I can to make right with the huge mistake that I made. I don't even know how to make it right except that I'm trying. Part of me wants to just go and part of me wants to stay and keep trying but I am not sure if I'm just exhausting myself.

One thing that I did not tell Hubby last night was that S doesn't have to try at all. She is there whenever he wants her. Call and she's there. Day off, let's spend it together. I'm upset, text me or call me and we'll either do lunch or talk. I literally have to gauge my time with him, check with him to see what bills need help, see who's picking up little man. I am so obsessed and exhausted with everything right now and it's been going on for so long that I want it all to end. I want everything to come to a screeching halt and stop, make a decision, move on, do something but all of this is so hard to see who it is taking a greater toll on. . . . is it him, me or our son?

I want everything to go back to normal, get some stability in ALL of our lives and move on. That may just not happen. But how long will I have to be strong to see when that day if it ever comes. S doesn't have to be strong right now for that day because she's not in my shoes. She just has to wait for someone to tell her that he can't be with her anymore if that day ever comes but from the way things are going, I don't see that happening for a long time.

Leaving on this note: I hurt for my son, I hurt for Hubby and I hurt for me. They say God puts no more in your life than you can currently handle. Good advise but I think that God has a VERY strange sense of humor right now. . . .

Monday, June 09, 2008

Our Weekend Trip

We had quite the adventure this weekend!

It rained (more like poured) in a few spots on our way down to our vacation spot. We got there and it was like old times.

I won't go into a lot of detail because there is a lot of it. But after the weekend Hubby had told me that we always have something happen when we go down. It's part of us going on our trip. I was upset on part of our trip because considering the circumstances, I wanted everything to go perfect. I wanted us to have a wonderful time and to have everything washed away and start anew. I should not just expect these things are going to happen because I want them to.

Hubby said something to me that meant a lot to me on Sunday. He said he wanted to get back with me so bad and wanted his simple life back. What did I do? I sat and listened. I didn't ask "Why don't you just say the word?" Our life is not simple right now. His life is not simple right now. And what I don't understand is if you want it so badly to change then why not do it?

I received a call today from our daycare provider. Our little boy had to be picked up because he was out of control from a bloody nose and was spitting blood in people's faces. Not only was the owner (whom I had been friend's with) rude with Hubby but very short with me which shocked and threw me off. I talked with Hubby and he asked that I start looking for another place because he was pulling him out. I called a bunch of places and then called Hubby and left a message. We have got to come up with some sort of a solution for all of this. We were gone all weekend and spent some time with him last night and then he went off to daycare this morning. I understand where he is coming from because he misses us and wanted to spend time with us. He is mad, frustrated and confused and acting out. He is not a happy child. So what do we as parents do about it? I don't know. We have some options but what is best for him? If we pull him out, then he has to start somewhere new and could start the same thing over again because of the fact that it's a new environment. We could put him on medication - not happening. His dad and I have already agreed upon that. We could send him to counseling but money is really tight right now and I don't know if we can afford it let alone take off work to do it.

So what do we do? I don't know and hope to sit down with Hubby this evening and see what will be best for all of us. He does the best under a routine. Going back and forth from one home to another and not seeing us all this weekend I think was the final straw for him. The only other thing that I can think of is to contact his pediatrician and see what he says. Either way, something has to change. All of us can't do this much longer. It's like a rubber band that's about to snap and has hit it's limit.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Relighting the Flame

I am all packed and at work with nothing to do and antsy as hell. Hubby and I spent another night together last night and I got another good night's sleep.

We sat outside last night and talked. He told me that I am on trail basically and that he has an empty heart to me right now and to me it's basically up to me to fill it up again. I told him that this weekend to me it's going to be like falling in love all over again for the first time. He told me that he is looking for that certain something that will make him forget about S. He told me that I am absolutely smokin hot and fun to be with but it's the love thing because I left and he feels like I left because I didn't have any love for him anymore. No matter what or how I tell him that's his feeling and I have to prove to him that's not the case.

Love is a very complex thing that can be built over time. Love at first sight can be torn down as quickly as it's picked up whatever the circumstances may be. However, love that has been built over the course of many years is hard to break and once it is, it is a bitch to overcome. I am proud of Hubby for wanting to find that love that I have for him. I may have it for him but he has to find it for me because of how much I've hurt him. He's done so much for me and helped me so much in so many ways.

This weekend is more than just wearing my new bikini, driving in a new truck and being on a boat away from everything. This weekend has a lot of meaning to me. I will be recording everything mentally like a sponge. Remembering why I left not only what's back home but when we go on trips together and mostly him.

Last night we were in bed and I was behind him talking to my mom. Every night he prays. . . believe me, I've interrupted him before and didn't know it so I think he was praying while I was talking to my mom. I asked her to help once again to find love in his heart for me that's there. It felt good and sent goosebumps up and down my arms when I was done talking to her because he popped his knuckles and stretched. . . I think he was done too. I don't know if my mom talks to him in his sleep or if he knows that I am begging with her to help with all of this but this weekend is something that I am taking very seriously. My family needs us, he needs his family and most of all he needs peace. I have such a huge smile on my face right now and sense of contentment. I think things will work out and I love my Hubby.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

One more Day!!!!!!!!!!!

One more day and we are outa here! I am so stoked it's not even funny but talk about running around with your head cut off! I got off work, picked up the boy who by the way was so good at day care yesterday, dropped him off at his grandparents. Hubby was picking up his new truck for the lake and I went and got my nails done.

I came home and saw the truck. It is beautiful and beefy! It will definitely do the trick for what we need at the lake and pulling the boat in and out of the lake. It's dark and smoldering and tall and loud. It is super comfy inside and Hubby is so proud. Last night I helped clean out the bed of the truck and he cleaned out the inside while the boy was inside taking a shower. We had to get him ready for bed.

Last night was the second night in a row that I slept at Hubby's and I slept really well. I always do when he is next to me. That's why I can't wait for this weekend! I get to sleep next to him for at least 2 days in a row. Hubby didn't sleep so well. He hasn't been sleeping very well for a while. I wish he could get back on track. Sleep is one of those things that I have to have that most people push to the side and don't worry so much about. If you don't get enough sleep you become agitated, disoriented, crabby, in my case possibly have a seizure, see things, make decisions that you don't know why you made them, think about things too much. Sleeping helps your brain deal with the things that you can't do on your own when your awake not to mention letting your body rest. Hubby needs lots of rest with the line of work that he does. I hope he gets a good night's sleep this weekend. . . . he needs it bad.

We leave tomorrow after work. I have my new bikini a few clothes that I think I can wear but I have to get some clothes while we are down there because most of mine don't fit . . . they're too big. We are going to get the boat out on Saturday and boat most of the day. I can't wait. Hubby and I have the best time on that boat!

One of the biggest reasons why we need to go and scariest reasons is that we need to rekindle our love. We need to repair our relationship and every time we have had stress in the past we go out of town to unwind. When we went to the ballgame last weekend, it was like old times. We held hands, smiled at one another and enjoyed being together. I am really looking forward to that this weekend. No fights, no ugly words, working together as a team and appreciating what we have always had. We are turning phones off periodically so that we can just deal with us. Plus the roaming charges are ridiculous.

If I don't write tomorrow, don't take it personally. I'm coming in early tomorrow so that I can get out of here early! Keep your fingers crossed for us this weekend! I hope we have a blast!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A million questions

Last night Hubby asked me a bunch of scenarios of what if's. The first one I had a difficult time answering and he got pissed because it was a simple yes or no question. I finally did answer and then the questions came rolling in from him.

I feel like I'm on trial. I feel like I'm being compared and in competition again. I feel unworthy and worst of all I feel untrustworthy which is my fault. I don't know how you gain another person's trust or how someone can just fall out of love with you but those are all feelings that I have right now. He told me that he didn't want to see anymore women crying. I'm sorry. I'm beat up right now, lonely, depressed, worried, angry, anxious and fearful.

We are going on a trip this weekend to find ourselves again. What happens when we get back? Will I be in the back seat again? Will it be like it has been for the past couple of months?

I spent the night last night and it was so hard to explain it but it was like his lawyer had told him not to do or get too close or befriend me. It was like being with a different person. It was like it was near the beginning when I had left and came back. I feel like I just hit a home run and they told me to go back to home plate and MAYBE I might be able to swing the bat again if I can do it right this time. I woke up at 3p last night because of a storm in the area. I had lots of things on my mind. Do touch Hubby, don't touch Hubby. What if he moves out of the house and into her's with our son what will happen? What will happen with us? Is us over? I don't know. Last night it felt over. We are going on this trip and I so desperately want to have a great time with him but I can't make someone enjoy me. They have to do that on their own. I'm ready to be all alone with him just he and I. But when we come back, will those good times just be a memory or will he want to be with me all the time? I don't know. . . .

I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked up. God I know I fucked up. To the point where I just want to smile, forget that I fucked up so bad, get my family in order, forget about her, forget that Hubby is still upset with me, I want to laugh at stupid jokes, take care of our home and child and him, go shop for food and stuff we need, wash the car, go to work, rub lotion on his back when he gets baked, drink with him, watch him play video games when I get home. . . . God most of all I want him to just love me more than anything else. Without his love for me and my love for him, our family will be no more and right now that is what is so terrifying to me.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sounding Funny and a Bad Feeling

You know when you've known someone for so long that the tone of their voice you know something is REALLY wrong? I got that from Hubby this morning.

I texted him a little last night and when I briefly talked to him he sounded different on the phone to me but I just took into consideration that whatever it was that he was talking about with S was not the time to call. I texted him this morning and he was really short saying he was at work. I wanted to talk to him to see if everything was okay so I called him. He said he was all freaked out and that it wasn't me and that he would talk to me later.

I cannot shut my brain off. It is nearly impossible for me. I try to do things to pass the time. I've worked on projects hoping that I don't fuck them up because my mind is racing. I don't know what things are happening around me or if they even have anything to do with me. I told Hubby that I was scared when I got off the phone and I don't know what to think. This all happened at around 9:30am this morning so I have the rest of the day to calm down and hope that he does too and will either tell me what is freaking him out so much or just tell me that everything is okay and to not worry about it.

Either way, I have a really bad feeling that something just isn't right about this and whatever happened last night.

Squeezing in Time

I have a lot planned this week to get our trip together. I'm so looking forward to going. I need this trip (we need this trip) more than anything right now. We are stressed, beat down, can't relax, can't focus, can't be happy right now. This is just what we need. Even if it rains, I'm walking barefoot down to the lake to enjoy the peacefulness with a bottle of Corona!

I had a list of stuff to talk to Hubby about when I got home. He told me she was coming over to hang out and talk. I asked him how much time I had and he told me. I hurried up and got there quickly. Our son was playing with the neighbor kids and she had called to say she was closer than what Hubby had anticipated. I started breathing really shallow and getting antsy because I didn't want to get angry. I'm working hard on that and I wanted to remain calm so I guess I should have worked on some breathing techniques to help.

She got there and Hubby and I talked about what was going on during the week before our trip. Our little guy got a nose bleed and he went in to check on him. Hubby came out to talk for a little bit more and asked if I wanted to go check on him together. He grabbed my butt, kissed me and told me that this will all work out just wait and see. I will.

I went up to the hill last night and did my nightly routine. My MIL got deathly ill with her bowels and throwing up. My son wasn't helping any with his attitude but we got it under control. I got her cleaned up and situated with FIL's help. I got little one in bed and he called his Daddy to say good night. Afterwards he handed me the phone and he sounded different and I asked if everything was okay. He said he had to go and that he loves me.

Later I went downstairs, poured a shot of crown for my cramps, poured honey on my face for a bit, took a hot shower and laid in bed after brushing teeth and taking pills. I laid on my back and thanked my mom for being there for me and to continue to help us all. I let her know I missed her so much but knew she was there.

My life is short as is everyone else's. I'm trying the best that I can to do with what I have. Even if it's for brief moments this week, I will squeeze in little bits of time here and there with my family until this weekend. Then this weekend, I won't have to squeeze in so much anymore. At least I'll have a few days of peace and so will he.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Interesting Weekend

I spent a lot of time with Hubby and the little one this weekend. We had plans to go to the baseball game on Sunday, spent some time together on Saturday and all three of us spent the night together on Friday which was a blessing because it stormed like crazy that night and our little man was scared. Daddy comforted him, put him bed with us, went and laid on the couch for while and then moved him back. He's a great dad.

The baseball game was a different story. I was looking forward to a much needed outing to something that Hubby absolutely loves. We had never been to the new stadium so this was a treat for us not to mention that we were in a party box. Free food and beer. We were set. Before we went, S had stopped by to drop off a jersey for Hubby that she had bought him.

We went to the game and sat in our seats. Just to the left and right below us she was there with a co-worker. The whole thing was very strange and bizarre. Hubby had even asked me if I thought it was weird. Not only was it weird but she had on a matching jersey. The whole thing was very strange and it was hard for me to concentrate on the game, the fact that we were winning and that this was going to be a good time for us.

We went outside for the final time to smoke and Hubby asked if I wanted to leave. . .this was getting uncomfortable to him. I'm not sure why because we've all hung out before but I think this was different somehow. We left and went home to play washers and drink.

I changed clothes, got our little man and came back to the house. He was on the phone with her and something was wrong. Long story short, she had been attacked at the game. Hubby was saying had he only just stayed this wouldn't have happened. I tried to put things into perspective by telling him that people get attacked everyday and move on. She's not in the hospital, didn't get raped and is okay. Just scared. Part of me is leery of a lot of this because there are things that just don't either feel right or make sense; one of the two but somethings not jiving. I think with as serious as it was, Hubby would have had her come over but didn't. I'm not sure why he didn't ask me to leave and have her come over to console her but he didn't. He had said that there seemed something not right about some of this and we talked about it.

This whole thing is very strange. I hope everything will be okay for everyone.