Thursday, September 21, 2006

What a Crab!

Lord I am crabby today! I don't know why either. I usually get really testy right before my cycle (sorry boys). But for some reason today I am off kilter. I hadn't even made it halfway through the office when someone yelled across the office "the lock on the door is broke. You need to get it fixed". Hadn't even clocked in, sat down and thought about what I needed to get done before my trip. Next, my receptionist bolts. Doesn't even tell me just gets up to leave. Aha! That's why I've been bitching about answering the phones. Stupid rag.

Today's lesson boys and girls has to do with taking responsibility for your actions. I know that many have lost sight to that. Its so much easier to point a finger and pretend that you have no mark to be left on this God forsaken planet. It's always some other schmuck's fault. I on the other hand am too busy fucking up, trying to live my life, take care of my family and hold down a decent career to scheme up who did me wrong or who I thought went out of their way to make my job harder. I have perpetually had people in my life be it acquaintances or close individuals who insist on pointing the finger. Maybe that's what makes me so crabby. Maybe it's a full moon and even it's doing its damnest to blame me for something.

Okay. This is my confessional or as I would like to call it my finest hour of humility. Try this sometime; I find it to be quite liberating:

  • Even though I was driving like a maniac to get to a friends house, the guy that tried to side-swipe my car had every right to be pissed at me as I was flipping him off with BOTH fingers.
  • Even though I worked for half an hour on a project yesterday, it's more fun for me to blame the dick who completely redid it just because I am insecure with how well I perform at work.
  • Even though I work with a bunch of lazy, useless excrements, I could spend more time just ignoring them than feeding their lackadaisical ways.
  • Even though my boss accuses my emotions of being like a roller coaster, he needs to take the ever-loving Prosac just to keep an even keel demeanor.

When you admit your role in society and are honest about it, it feels good to know that you don't wear a crown and screw up and go out of your way to make another person's life a little harder. I like to call this my own form of karma.

1 comment:

Barbarian02003 said...

With that much crab you could make a salad.

Confessions are so freeing, aren't they? Good for you. It almost makes me want to confess a few things myself.
