Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

Yesterday was my 3.5 year old's first day at a new school. I preped him all day the day before that he was going to be a big boy and ride the school bus. He we really excited! The only problem I had yesterday was that he didn't want to get into the car to go to daycare because he thought that the bus was coming to our home. It took me the whole commute to explain to him that the driver was expecting him to be at daycare.

I called yesterday at around 9a to his daycare just to make sure that he got on okay. They told me he was so cute! He and his teacher waited on the curb for the bus to arrive. When it got there he marched right up to the driver and said a polite "hello". His teacher got him into his seat next to a little boy whom asked him "what's your name?" They exchanged names and drove off all proud that he was now a big boy.

He came back and I took off of work early. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I had to find out how his day went and what he did and most importantly "what was it like riding the bus buddy?" When I got to his daycare he was wired! He was running all around his class yelling "I rode school bus!!!!!!!" The other kids were sleeping but not for long.

Finally I drove him to the little corner store for a treat and good conversation the rest of the way home. Every bus he saw he wanted to ride. It was so nostalgic for me to see my little boy growing up so fast!


tui said...

ha ha! that is adorable!

Barbarian02003 said...

I rode busses in Germany. I think that's about it. Big boy undies AND the school bus. What a time he's having.