Monday, October 30, 2006

And the Verdict is in!

Many of you know that my brother in law died in August. We have been waiting ever since then to get the toxicology report in. Most people don't understand that when you die suddenly at the age of 27 that there is cause for question. We had an autopsy done with just an arrow pointing to an enlarged liver which required it to be extracted and further testing done on it. This has also held up the release of the death certificate so that they could put cause of death on it.

Until just this past weekend.

Before I go any further, let me explain to you that when S died, my nutty mother in law told me this: "We all know how much S drank. Let's not ruin his memory with something like that. I don't people to know him for drinking."

Moving forward. S died of major cirrhosis of the liver; one which was 2 times the size of an adult's liver should be. This was also fueled by alcohol disease which pretty much seals the verdict that the boy basically drowned to death at an early age of alcohol. The individual that did the testing had said that any doctor could have just LOOKED at him (being jaundiced and all I can see how one would over-look that) and known that he had some form of cirrhosis. Sister in law said that she wasn't surprised as S had been a heavy drinker from the age of 17 on.

This morning, hubby had to go up to his parents house briefly. He then came back a few moments later and says this: "Get a load of what mom said to me just now. 'Now M, I know that Sis said something to you last night but we have all noticed that your stomach is getting bigger.' I just told her that I was only going to say this once, but there is a big difference between drinking something that is 5% vs. 80 proof. To which she said nothing." I told him they better not come down and start telling me how to live my life. Has it occurred to anyone that maybe I drink to have to keep from dealing with the reality that my inlaws are sick fucks? Maybe I drink just to forget the shitty day I had at work? Maybe I just drink because I'm a massive alcoholic? Either way I go, my birth mother died of METASTATIC LUNG CANCER TO BRAIN CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mother downed Crown on the rocks on a regular basis. She weighed under 100 pounds and could drink my ass under the table. It was her smoking that killed her; not her massive consumption of alcohol.

I am very glad that this has finally come out. It has put a lot of closure in place for our family which is greatly needed. Unfortunately Mom has stuffed one too many skeletons in her closet and there just isn't room in there for this one. I don't ever think she will be strong enough to be honest about the death of her son.


Barbarian02003 said...

HA! I love my mother! It's a sad end. No one wants to think that someone would knowingly choose booze over life. It's sad, but you and M are going about it the right way. S is gone but you're not. Remember him and move on. His mother needs a severe ass-kicking and then therapy.

twisted panties said...

It is important that you guys have some closure.

Oh the stories we could share on in-laws.