Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Today Feels Like Monday

When I came in today, I made the comment to not only myself but to many others (including strangers) that I had the feeling that today wasn't going to be all that it was supposed to be cracked up to be.

Should have found some wood or a horny man's crotch to knock on.

First of all one of my co-workers called from Florida. He wanted the number to our IS department. I told him that it was 888-blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Meaning that this phone number actually spelled out a cute word. He then asked me to actually give him the number. My smart ass replied "What the hell kind of phone do you have that doesn't have numbers with corresponding letters on it?" He told me he had a blackberry. Whooptie fucking doo! So I spent 5 minutes finding the number for him and spent an additional 3 minutes reiterating it back to him.

Next, I had to correspond with the unholy bitch whom works for our corporate office and controls all of the corporate cards. I asked her a simple question such as "Who do I go to when you are not there? Do you have a backup person for the cards?" You would have thought I drove the 26 miles just to personally shove my stiletto boot right up her incredibly thick ass. She thought I was questioning her job abilities and then took a character punch against me. The thing that makes me the most mad about this broad is that she hasn't even been with the company for 6 months. I on the other hand have been here for 6 years. You would think I had retained some information in that time but apparently to her I have not.

Oh well! Tomorrow is a new day and am looking forward to it! Seems as though someone in the company took pity on my situation and we are going to lunch at a 5 star restaurant tomorrow!


Chief Scientist said...

What in hell is a 5-star restaurant? They can't just start adding stars ... if they do, someone will come up with a 6-star rating system. Then where will we be? It'll be like the crap with the razors, or the amplifiers in "Spinal Tap."

Barbarian02003 said...

Free food is a bonus. GOOD free food is excellent! I hope you have a good time.

Issy said...

I can't wait! Not only is it in one of the be restaurants (Italian, I'm a major sucker for Italian food!)in St. Louis but we will be going over the possibilities of my role in the company as well as the additonal financial responsibilites that I will have to deal with (mostly corporate card control). Yay!

(S)wine said...

i'm a major sucker for italia, also.