Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I have had bronchitis for the past two weeks and the week prior to that I had a sinus infection which is what led to the bronchitis. I've had antibiotics, Vick's rubbed on my chest and even had Vick's rubbed on me feet before I went to bed. I'll try anything at this point.

I woke up early this morning to get to work early because I had a ton of things to do before 10a today. I got out of the shower and cleaned my ears with Q-Tips. One ear felt extremely awesome when I cleaned it. . . more so than usual. . . so good that I wanted to stand there all morning and just clean that ear. Well now I know why. Now I can't even hear out of that ear. I feel like I'm inside of a tin can or in the pool and people are trying to talk to me. I told my boss that I couldn't hear out of that ear right when he walked in this morning. He tried addressing me a few times and I couldn't hear him. I told him to throw things at me if he needed me. . . it was that bad.

So I told a co-worker about my bum ear. He tells me to take some olive oil and garlic and heat it up in the microwave and then dip a cotton ball into the mixture and shove it into my ear and that will make my ear all better. What the hell is it with these home remedies? Do I look like I live in a village and the village witch doctor is on vacation? No. Hubby and I were talking about this last night when a WebMD commercial came on. I told him that sure it's a great site but why would you waste your time going to a site, diagnosing yourself just to find out that you really do need meds, have to actually go to the doctor to have him tell you the same thing just so that you can get a prescription to make yourself feel better. I would rather just go to the doctor in the first place. I'm sure there is nothing more annoying to a doctor than a patient that goes to the WebMD site first and then strolls into his office to tell him how to do his job because they already went to the site. I would hate to be a doctor if that's the case.

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