Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Last Night's Dream

I've been fighting the flu for the past 48 hours and think it's on it's way out. I'm at work today because my doctor told me that as long as I am not running a fever that I'm not contagious.

That being said, I have been taking Nyquil at night just so that I can sleep. This drug does weird things to my dreams and makes me dream goofy things that otherwise I don't think I'd have the capacity to remember.

Last night I dreamt that I had to deal with my review which in reality I've been waiting on for the past 3 months. . . obviously subconsiously it's on my mind. Someone who is not my supervisor was giving my review and put in the comments that because of personal issues he had to base his decision on un-biast reasons. I got my review back and because I'm the admin here, I had to process everyone else's as well so I was able to see everyone's review. On a scale of 10,000, everyone else got a 10,000. I received an 8,100.

Maybe it's because I'm sitting on pins and needles right now waiting for my review to happen in real life and that a salary increase is due. Maybe it's because I'm scraping every penny together and will breathe a sigh of relief when I do find out what my increase will be. More than anything, I don't like not knowing what my supervisor thinks of my past performance last year. I don't know if' I've done well or not. In the back of my brain, I KNOW that I have. After last night's dream, I'm worried.


Barbarian02003 said...

Don't worry. You are always harder on yourself than any one else. You have worked your butt off for that company, he should know it! I'm crossing my fingers for you.

Issy said...

Thanks B. I needed that boost of confidence! I am always too hard on myself.