Thursday, February 28, 2008


I am taking my first Zumba class this evening. I am so excited! I keep watching a clip on You Tube of what it is and can't wait to take it! It's a combination of aerobics, salsa, cha-cha and hip hop dance. Being a dancer for over 10 years when I was a small girl, I've longed for taking up the hobby again.

I spent the majority of the day online researching what exactly it is and who the instructor is on the You Tube clip. Her name is Tanya Beardsley and she is a master Zumba instructor. I also investigated the clothes she's wearing. She and quite a few other participants are wearing something called UFO pants which are comfortable cargo pants that give you a lot of room to move around in. I called my 16 year old yesterday and asked her if she knew what they were. She knew them by another name an actually had a pair. I found a website that sells them but I'm not buyin for $64 a pop. I'll find a pair but first I want to see what this class is like tonight. . . with my luck I'll think it's supposed to be one thing and it'll end up being something completely different.

You should look this woman up. She is amazing! The way she is built, the way she moves, it's mezmerizing. I used to be able to move my body in just about any direction that I wanted to. People used to be in awe of the fact that I could grab my foot and put it straight up and over my head. Now that I'm a little closer to 40, my feet haven't seen the clouds in decades. However, I've been taking an aerobics class for a couple of months now and it's limbered me up quite a bit so that I can move more freely that I could before. My goal is to be as flexible as I was before, understand current dance moves and master them with my own style and to get back into shape. I'm not far away from being back into shape. I've been working hard on that and my efforts are paying off.

One of the biggest things that I loved about dancing is that you can make it your own if your comfortable in your own body. As I've gotten older, I've become uncomfortable in my body. I think that's the biggest problem that I have today. My good friend Barbarian has told me time and time again that I am too hard on myself. I think that I more or less just have a body that I can't move the way that I'd like it to nor am comfortable with. With exercise and trying out new venues of movement, I should be able to overcome that. I know that when I master something, I can make it my own and put my own style on it. . . I'll keep everyone up to date on how this class pans out. Wish me luck everyone!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Is it that hard to be nice?

I had a guy that came to the office today to serve a subpeana. Most of the time these guys (or girls) are pretty ignorant. As this is my place of employment, I don't care either way.

The delightful gentleman enters the building and asks my receptionist if he can drop it with our payroll department. Apparently our company needs to provide documentation in a deposition. She looks confused as I walk by and asks me what to do with this fine upstanding individual. I tell him that our payroll department is not located here but in another location that is about a half an hour away. I smiled and felt bad for him but he didn't know that where I work is not our corporate office.

"Well can't you just accept it and forward it on yourself?!?!?!"

My God!

I had completely forgotten how incredibly cold and hateful these people can be. I was so shocked at this man's reaction to me helping him that I was almost speachless and told him that I guessed I could do that. Afterwards I wished I had told him that I was so impressed by his imense capacity of professionalism that it moved me to the ends of the earth. That because of his actions and how he held himself, it made me want to go back to school. . . . .what a total dick.

Why the hell can't people just try to be nice for two bloody seconds???????????

Monday, February 25, 2008

On a serious note. . . .

I have epilepsy.

I don't talk about it much mostly because I'm embarassed by it. People have told me for years not to worry about it, that I can't help it, whatever. You try having something where you have no control over your body and see how you feel. Being knocked unconcious and knowing that people that you care about are standing around you trying to do the best that they can for you is a helpless feeling.

I had a seizure on Friday at work. It's the 3rd one that I've had since I've been employed here. At one point in time there was an admin who "said" that she had a seizure disorder and was out quite a bit because of it. . . . or so she said. It really pissed me off because I have a seizure disorder and I have no problem coming in.

Either way, I knew that something was not right on Friday morning. I shouldn't have come in to work. I should have stayed home but I didn't. Instead I came in and started working. I was busy puting in a supply order and that was the last thing that I remembered. Next thing I know, I had my head in one of my coworkers laps, the paramedics were there and M was on the phone trying to talk the paramedics out of taking me to the hospital. Apparently I had bit my tongue so bad that I had blood running out of my mouth when it was going on which if someone hasn't ever seen a person having a seizure, would be pretty freaked out. That's what I'm more worried about than anything else.

I spend the majority of my life with these people. I don't want them to be scared of me but I'm afraid that they are. I sent two emails to my boss and he still hasn't responded. He will be out of town for the next week so he will have a week for all of this to sink in. I just wish he would tell me that everything is okay. It's not knowing that's really bothering me. I know I can't be fired because of a physical ailment but when you work closely with someone it's hard not to think that something like this would affect them. I know that probably sounds stupid.

I came in to work today and talked with a bunch of my friends who took care of me and told me what happened. One person who wasn't here on Friday asked if I had done crack. Another coworker and I both looked at him and told him that wasn't funny. Some people don't know what to say when they have to deal with something that is uncomfortable and end up saying the absolute wrong thing. I've learned that throughout the course of my life with this.

M was the best with all of this. He came and got me on Friday with his dad and my son. My son didn't know what was going on. He just knew he was picking mommy up. M took me home and I slept all day and all night. Having a seizure takes a lot out of you. I don't know what is going on at the time but find out all of the little bumps, bruises and scrapes afterwards and those usually paint a colorful picture of what happened. The fact that I can't taste anything STILL is pissing me off. I bit my tongue so hard that I stuck it in a steaming hot cup of coffe and couldn't feel anything. I have no idea whether or not I have blisters on my tongue or not.

My biggest thing is this: If I had one thing I could change in my life, what would it be? It would definately be having epilepsy. If I could take a pill or wave a magic wand to get rid of it, I would. I hate having it. . . . .

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Road Trip!

I am so excited! My best friend and I have finally scheduled a trip for May. We will be going to our favorite wine town, getting massages, hitting all of the local wineries and finishing with a nice dinner at one of the local wineries who has FABULOUS food!

The best part of all of this is that it is all coming together so smoothly. We both know what we want to do, have bounced ideas off of each other and can't wait for the next two months to go by. Both of us have been so busy with work, extra cirricular activities, family life and just life in general that we haven't had the time or the energy to connect. This is giving us the opportunity to appreciate our relationship, remember why we are friends in the first place and be grateful that we don't have to work out, hop in the car and race to our jobs, make sure we get to practice on time, hurry to another doctor's appointment and squeeze in what we will be eating for the day.

Our itinerary is as follows:

  • Leave my house at around 8:30am
  • Eat fruit, muffins, water and tea on the way down there
  • Check in around 10am
  • Have our massages done around 11am and be finished around 1pm
  • Pour ourselves into the car and hit at least 7 of the wineries
  • Come back to our room (oh did I mention that it's on the premises of the massage shop?) and get ready for a nice dinner
  • Come back to our room again and drink some of the wine that we have purchased that day

We will be there during the spring so it should be absolutely GEORGOUS! I can't wait for the great weather, awesome company and fantastic time we will have! I can't wait!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Passive Agressive

I have ANOTHER coworker here at my office who is a freak. He exhibits mega doses of passive agressive behavior and it is an absolute hoot to watch.

The first time I was subjected to this was a few years ago when he was eating lunch (it is always when he is eating lunch for some reason). I paged him a few times because he was getting quite a few phone calls. I didn't know he was eating. Next thing I know I'm being told not to page him anymore as it seems as though he was getting frustrated with me and ripped the phone off the wall in our break room. Oooooops!

This man's wife calls 7 times a day. . . swear! One time she asked me to pull him out of a meeting he was in just so she could ask him if she could use their credit card because she was out shopping! My hubby would BEAT me if I called that much! I don't even like my hubby well enough to call him that much! I tell people all the time that I come to work to get away from my family. . .

About a year ago, this man asks me to order toner for his printer. I politely asked him to get with his supervisor and find out who orders supplies for his division as he and i don't work for the same group. He became extremely sarcasitc and snide with me. I took a deep breath, found what little professionalism I could find and basically told him that I don't make enough money to tolerate his mouth. Also that just because his wife uses him as a whipping post at home doesn't mean he can come to work and take out his ill feelings on me just because I'm the only female in the office. We didn't talk for almost a year. . . up until right around this point.

Today, I was heating up soup in the microwave for my lunch. One of my guys was in the breakroom watching a movie he had brought from home. Mr. Passive Agressive comes in and tells him he's done watching the movie, that he is tired of all of these hour and a half to two hour lunch breaks and tells him to take his movie out of the DVD player. My coworker tells him that it's almost over and Mr. Passive Agressive walks over to the DVD player, opens it up, takes out the disc and hands it to my guy and tells him "well then you can finish it at home". Apparently he emailed our boss and told him that he was tired of people spending hours in the breakroom watching movies.

I got back to my desk and low and behold there was a nasty email waiting for me, addressed to my whole team. My supervisor yelled at all of us in this email. . . . thanks a lot dick. . . now all of us got in trouble for you acting like a big ass baby!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Who Are you?

My 4 year old has been watching the movie Alice in Wonderland lately. There is a part of the movie where the reefer smoking caterpillar says to Alice in a ring of smoke "Whooooo Arrrrre Youuuuuu?" My son keeps repeating it over and over and over again.

It's made me think. The caterpillar is asking her for a reason. Most people don't know who they are nor do they have the time to care. I know I haven't . I've always thought I knew who I was. I also know that I've changed. I've changed into something that I know I like.

Years and years ago, I remember waking up one day and being really sad because I was angry all the time and had been my whole life. Everything made me mad. My work, my mom, strangers, friends, the food I ate, the choices I made, things that people said to me. . . . .the list is endless. I woke up that morning and remember it like yesterday. It was spring and in the morning. It was kind of warm outside but dewy. I asked myself in my head "Issy, how do you stop being a bitch?" Then my next biggest fear was not being able to stop and learn how to be nice. . . I didn't know how to do that. Every word that came out of my mouth was hurtful. Cutting people to the quick was my specialty and I was proud of it. But how do you turn a monster that you've created into something that you have no idea how to be?

It took YEARS. I still struggle every day. I told my boss last year to be grateful because I used to be a lot worse than I am now. He just looked at me with disbelief. Was I really that bad? Yes. I remember some of the hateful, hurtful God awful things that I would say to people just for shock value but mostly so that I could hurt them before they hurt me. If I could get people to feel so much pain that it intimidated them, then I felt comfortable. Knowing that I wasn't vulnerable to someone else's verbal abuse was something that I thought through before I even uttered one ugly word.

Today I try to think before I speak. It's becoming more and more of a gift to be able to tell someone something possitive and be rememberd for that instead of that hateful bitch who really had nothing productive to say except for tearing people down.

Who was I?:
A terrified, hurt girl who had a lot to offer but couldn't find it.

Who am I?:
A mature, seasoned woman who has spent a lot of time finding the good qualities burried deep inside and found the tools that were needed to get them out for everyone to see. I'm proud of the person that I've become and know that I have a lot to offer other people. Instead of hurting someone's life, I know that I have the ability to enhance it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Last Night's Dream

I've been fighting the flu for the past 48 hours and think it's on it's way out. I'm at work today because my doctor told me that as long as I am not running a fever that I'm not contagious.

That being said, I have been taking Nyquil at night just so that I can sleep. This drug does weird things to my dreams and makes me dream goofy things that otherwise I don't think I'd have the capacity to remember.

Last night I dreamt that I had to deal with my review which in reality I've been waiting on for the past 3 months. . . obviously subconsiously it's on my mind. Someone who is not my supervisor was giving my review and put in the comments that because of personal issues he had to base his decision on un-biast reasons. I got my review back and because I'm the admin here, I had to process everyone else's as well so I was able to see everyone's review. On a scale of 10,000, everyone else got a 10,000. I received an 8,100.

Maybe it's because I'm sitting on pins and needles right now waiting for my review to happen in real life and that a salary increase is due. Maybe it's because I'm scraping every penny together and will breathe a sigh of relief when I do find out what my increase will be. More than anything, I don't like not knowing what my supervisor thinks of my past performance last year. I don't know if' I've done well or not. In the back of my brain, I KNOW that I have. After last night's dream, I'm worried.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Happy Friday! (and thank you Uncle Sam)

This Friday has been dull for me despite the major news that's going on right now. I even had one of my vendors call me from Tempe, AZ and asked "What's up with that guy that killed those 5 people?" Apparently this is now on a national level. Not to sound uncaring but the media has a really bad habit of dragging things out to the point where I feel like I'm missing out on current issues. For example, I had no idea that Romney had dropped out of the race. Yet in the Post, it was this little tiny blurb at the bottom of the front page.

I received a very nice surprise earlier this week. I filed our taxes on Sunday and by Wednesday my whole $18 from state had come in. Woo Hoo Uncle Sam! Who knew that the government could be so prompt and on top of things? This is one time that I commend and praise our government for getting me taken care of so quickly. Every time my FIL complains about how the government is purposely screwing him, I remind him of my 3 day return. Who could argue?

And what about the tax relief they are giving everyone who is a taxpayer? $600 per individual and $1,200 per married couple. Then I heard today that in addition to that they are giving children $300! I'm not sure where that came from or if I just wasn't listening intially at the time when they announced that but I was pleasantly pleased. Just whatever you do, don't tell my 16 year old that. . . she'll think it's time to go shop!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I am really going out on a limb on this. . . .

There is a guy that I work with at the office and all he does is bitch about EVERYTHING. It causes me to look at my own shortcomings and ask "do I crab, complain and bitch as much as he does?" Only reason why I have these discussions with myself is because I know how annoying it is to listen to him every day and hope that nobody thinks that I am that bad. . . . should I leave this earth, I want people to know me for the possitive things I did and portrayed in life.

This man has been sent to anger management classes because of his outbursts. He will go on a tangent about nothing to himself and all of my warehouse workers will flee like little cockroaches when the lights go on. One late afternoon, a coworker and I were in our offices in dead silence working diligently on some task. Out of the stark silence comes this loud string of obscenities. . .from him. I got up and went to the warehouse door. He is all by himself mumbling curses under his breath and then getting increasingly louder. . . .what a freak!

It's bad enough to be a grown up and throw a temper tantrum but to throw one all the time is rediculous. I threw an anniversary party for him for his 20th of service with our company. He complained about that. . ."it's nice and all but. . . " We just found out that our refrigerator is being stocked with complimentary sodas and he crabbed about that. Today's comment was the last straw. Our company doesn't have to give us free drinks. We could easily pay for them like we are currently doing. Why does he have to be so ungrateful?

I told a coworker of mine that sending him to an anger management class was not productive. If I was his supervisor, I would ask that he write at least 5-10 things DAILY that were possitive in his life and make sure that "but" was not used anywhere in the submission. . .

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Perils of Mardi Gras

I went to Mardi Gras here in St. Louis on Saturday. The weather was really nice, kind of slushy but for the most part, it was great! In case some of you didn't know, I had some enhancement surgery done in August. I've been really excited about Mardi Gras this year and couldn't wait to take them for a "test drive".

The response was overwhelming. . . .I had a ton of beads when I left the festivities! I had more big ones than I have ever had before in year's past.

This year I went with a good friend of mine, her husband and a friend of theirs. My hubby had to stay at home to take care of the boy which is a whole other entry in and of itself so I'll save that one for a different day. We got down there at around 10:30am and had started drinking at about 9:30am. My friend made some sort of breakfast burritos for the ride down there and they were awesome! Also, this friend was the one that referred me to my plastic surgeon so I was excited to have here invite me.

We went to the parade, drank with some German guys and headed to my friend's apartment. There is always a crowd there and everyone is so nice. Barbarian was in the parade and we made arrangements to meet at our friend's apartment. We finally met up there after not seeing each other for a month or so and it was great!

As the afternoon went on, I became more and more intoxicated. I started stepping in puddles and getting soaked. People stepped in big slushy piles of grey snow and I just laughed it off. Soon I started noticing that the additional friend that they had invited kept whipping out his "pee-pee" which at Mardi Gras can warrant an arrest as well as a spot on the sex offender's list. It's not worth it. It got to the point where people were asking if he was going to whip it out "again". What the hell? This guy was getting no beads for showing his ding a ling so why keep it up? Especially when people are asking for a warning because they've seen enough already?

We finally ended up heading back to the car for the ride home. I was smart and sat in the back by myself thinking that I wouldn't have to worry about him. When we got to my girlfriend's sitters house, he pulled it out again! By this time, it's getting old and a wee bit creepy. My friend's husband would have blown a gasket had he seen all of this gross display of penis marketing!

We went back to her house where she went up to her bedroom and passed out. I asked her husband to take me home which he did.

The next day, I called her, told her I was stopping by the store for a coffee and asked if I could swing by which she said yes. She and I exchanged stories and she told me some really bizzare shit about this guy which made me wonder why he was asked to come in the first place. She told me that after her hubby took me home that the weird friend snuck up to her room and slipped into bed with her while she was passed out which she woke up from. She asked him what his fucking problem was and kicked him out. She then said that her hubby had just come home as he was walking down the stairs and ended up bypassing him so that he didn't find out.

Aside for the surreal freak of nature who went with us, Mardi Gras was awesome. . . again! I can't wait for Mardi Gras 2009!