Thursday, December 21, 2006


I just tried to upload a card for everyone to see because I fell out of my chair laughing when I opened it. But once again, pain in the ass Google Blogger has told me that they are "so sorry but that they can't complete my request". So I tried a different pic thinking that it may have something to do with the size. No deal. Fuck you Google. I hate you at every turn and soon Karma will kick your ass.

Here's a funny story for you all (speaking of Karma). A while ago the company I work for split and was bought out by some big ass investor. The corporate portion moved about 25 miles away and we stayed put. In the past we would send our mail over for metering as it all fell under one account and made no sense for our office to obtain a postage meter. When the move took place, I fought the broad who was in charge of the move tooth and nail for answers as to what we were to do for our mail. She basically pushed me out if the boat with the hopes that I would drown.

We purchased a scale (for mail wise asses should you snicker and ask!) and I joined a stamp club so that we would receive stamps on a regular basis. Just so you know, the fight that I had with this girl lasted months not to mention the thick layer of animosity that we had for each other.

Well come to find out yesterday that one of my co-workers found out that their postage machine caught on fire! Woo-hoo! Karma sucks doesn't it bitch? Look what God did to you for not giving us options and acting like the cunt you know you are! Ha! I just have visions of that bitch running around with her fat ass trying to catch up with her while flames consume that blasted postage machine. It also ruined some of the wiring and not in just that area.

God I love Karma. It never fails!


Barbarian02003 said...

Mwu-ha-ha! Evil stories make me smile.

(S)wine said...

i don't know what's joining a stamp club, or the minutia God Karma thing.
Either way: MUAHAHAHAHA!

Happy Festivus.

Issy said...

You should have seen me yesterday when I found out! I was jumping (litteraly) up and down for joy at someone else's demise.

Hey, the stamp club thing was a good idea at the time but reading it on paper sounds kookie. I am secure in freakdom to embrace the possibilities that a stamp club has to offer. You're just jealous El that you don't belong to a stamp club too. Don't worry. You can live vicariously through me if you want!

(S)wine said...

who said i don't belong to a stamp club.

twisted panties said...

I can hear your evil cackel all the way down here.

The Grunt said...

Yay, for karma: Lady got her ass stomped!