Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What is Happening Now

I came home last night trying to figure out what type of arrangements have been made for P. Hubby was sketchy and frustrated; no doubt because he either knew or felt what was really going on. So I dropped it and decided I would deal with arrangements tomorrow, hence today.

I was leaving for work and I called FIL. I asked what was going on with the funeral. I had been told the night before that there MIGHT be something at the funeral home; there MIGHT be something at the cemetary but nobody was for sure. So I asked this morning. I was told that FIL is meeting the funeral director at the cemetary and they will put P in the ground. No service, no prayer, no other family members, no nothing. I was however invited to go along if I wanted to. I asked if hubby was going and he said he didn't know. I asked if MIL was going and was told no; she would be tied up in meetings today and tomorrow with the law firm. How nice. Even the law firm isn't sending someone out for representation.

Why is this happening? Why is he being hated so much that nobody is being given the opportunity to pay their respects and say goodbye? None of this is right. I don't hate my in laws. I look at them like I looked at P. At one point of time in his life he was a wonderful man and a loving person but he left this world a sick, broken down old man. I think my in laws are just sick people in need of some serious professional help. I hope they can get that so that they may find some absolution.

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