Thursday, December 28, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Okay. I know it's a little late for the well wishing of good cheer. I thought some of you might want to know how my holiday was.

Not too much drama. I made it a point to ignore a lot of it; either way it was there. My mother wasn't too bad. My MIL was her typical self. Hubby was sulking. And I? I ran around the majority of the time mumbling under my breath "I hate the fucking holidays". Most that barely heard me stayed away. Good plan of action on my part.

There were two parts of my holiday that I will never forgot from this year.

Being invited to my best friend's house to celebrate Christmas with her and her family. It was very relaxed (except for my son) and down to earth. I had never seen one person bring so many presents (Nana)! I was given a hand made afghan for a king size bed which is not an easy feat. It turned out absolutely gorgeous! I was absolutely floored that someone would spend that much time making something for me. I also got an expensive piece of equipment from Barbarian and her hubby. That absolutely floored me too! I told her that and her response was "I know you wouldn't have gotten the leather coat for me unless you got an awesome deal on it. That's how we felt about your gift. We got a KILLER deal on it!" That made me feel great! I did get a pretty smokin deal on her coat.
Then there was Christmas morning with little man and hubby. Hubby and I decided that we weren't going to exchange presents this year because of the new car. I did not hold up my end of the bargain and purchased a mixed 6 pack of imported beer, fleece lounge pants and a HUGE box of Cheez-its for his Christmas present. It wasn't much but it was a day of comfort for him. I asked him what was wrong when I noticed him pouting. He told me that he didn't get anything from me and that he wished I wouldn't have bought any of it. I told him "You got me a car you idiot! I don't even KNOW anyone this year that was given a VEHICLE for Christmas!" He smiled and I knew he wasn't feeling so bad anymore.

Well folks, there you have it. Issy's holiday season. The upside and lesson to be learned from this Christmas is that nobody was dismembered, no one lost an eye and most importantly, no one contracted a VD from hitting the egg nog one too many times and then sleeping with a drunken stranger. Gotta love the holidays!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


I just tried to upload a card for everyone to see because I fell out of my chair laughing when I opened it. But once again, pain in the ass Google Blogger has told me that they are "so sorry but that they can't complete my request". So I tried a different pic thinking that it may have something to do with the size. No deal. Fuck you Google. I hate you at every turn and soon Karma will kick your ass.

Here's a funny story for you all (speaking of Karma). A while ago the company I work for split and was bought out by some big ass investor. The corporate portion moved about 25 miles away and we stayed put. In the past we would send our mail over for metering as it all fell under one account and made no sense for our office to obtain a postage meter. When the move took place, I fought the broad who was in charge of the move tooth and nail for answers as to what we were to do for our mail. She basically pushed me out if the boat with the hopes that I would drown.

We purchased a scale (for mail wise asses should you snicker and ask!) and I joined a stamp club so that we would receive stamps on a regular basis. Just so you know, the fight that I had with this girl lasted months not to mention the thick layer of animosity that we had for each other.

Well come to find out yesterday that one of my co-workers found out that their postage machine caught on fire! Woo-hoo! Karma sucks doesn't it bitch? Look what God did to you for not giving us options and acting like the cunt you know you are! Ha! I just have visions of that bitch running around with her fat ass trying to catch up with her while flames consume that blasted postage machine. It also ruined some of the wiring and not in just that area.

God I love Karma. It never fails!

Friday, December 15, 2006

His Majesty Arrives

I called my parents home last night. My brother and his wife and their 1.5 year old arrived at the airport last night from Japan. He will be in the states for 3 weeks. Should I get excited? Somewhat but I've already set myself up for the self centered drama to occur long ago.

A brief history if you will:

I was adopted.
My brother was not. He was considered the entity that should have never occurred. Therefore making him the miracle child.

There is an 8 year gap between he and I. Before he was born, I was it! When he came along, I felt pushed aside and not needed anymore. I still feel that way. My mother is to blame for that one.

My brother's needs are catered to at all times. If his bank account gets low, mommy and daddy will put some in. If he needs a car? Mommy and daddy will get one for him. I didn't even go to his wedding because my mom didn't want me there and he was too scared of her to ask me to come. Pussy!

Well now his majesty is in town. How wonderful! What a lucky gal I am! This means that the world has now stopped on its axis. Death and destruction no longer exists. We are all now complete. Why would I be bitter? Because for the next 3 weeks, myself and my family don't exist and are invisible. I will hear excuses as to why my brother doesn't have time to spend with me because he's too busy according to my mother. He has no say so in the matter never mind the fact that he won't grow his own set of balls and stand up to her.

So, this evening I will be going to a wonderful Christmas party with my best friend and then parting ways to venture to my parents house for a fun filled evening of family dysfunctionality.

Bah Humbug Bitches!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Let's Not Make it too Long!

I took some time off of work today to see P off properly. There were only 3 of us; FIL, hubby and myself. We had to be at the cemetary at 8 this morning. The funeral director (which we are on a first name basis with him now) was to be there at 8:15. Prompt as could be, the mustard colored hearse pulled up. I commented to hubby that P was getting ride for the last time in a Caddie. Those were his favorite vehicles. . . lots of class. At least they got that part right.

The funeral director said to my FIL that they had found a watch and a set of glasses with P but didn't put them on him in the casket and did he want the items. FIL said to put them with him in the casket which they did. Come to think of it now, I wonder if they even dressed P nice? I wouldn't put it past them to put his cold, lifeless body in there naked. They purchased the cheapest casket that the funeral home had to offer. Only reason why I'm saying that is because when Steve passed, we had to pick out the casket. Hubby picked it out and it was a real pretty one but it cost quite a bit. I saw the one that P was currently in. It was one of the first ones in line in there "show room". Nothing too good for ol P! He's gone now! What's that old biblical saying "Spare the rod" or something like that?

Hubby and some of the cemetary workers pulled P out of the hearse and placed him above the hole in the ground. The funeral director asked us if more people were coming. No. We didn't even know if the other living grandchild had been contacted about his death. He then asked FIL if he wanted to say a few words on P's behalf. FIL asked if the director could do it but to not make it too long. God forbid. Christ. How much worse could this get? He gave the Irish Blessing along with the the one that starts "The lord is my shepard, I shall not want". I've always loved that passage but it reminds me of death. Then the funeral director started reciting this:

(I can't remember the first part right now as my mind is all mixed up)
"Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
The power
The glory

All of those things need to be said for P.

Hubby told me to look at the skyline. It was beautiful. It was all pink and hazy.

When I looked at him he had one tear running down the right side of his cheek.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What is Happening Now

I came home last night trying to figure out what type of arrangements have been made for P. Hubby was sketchy and frustrated; no doubt because he either knew or felt what was really going on. So I dropped it and decided I would deal with arrangements tomorrow, hence today.

I was leaving for work and I called FIL. I asked what was going on with the funeral. I had been told the night before that there MIGHT be something at the funeral home; there MIGHT be something at the cemetary but nobody was for sure. So I asked this morning. I was told that FIL is meeting the funeral director at the cemetary and they will put P in the ground. No service, no prayer, no other family members, no nothing. I was however invited to go along if I wanted to. I asked if hubby was going and he said he didn't know. I asked if MIL was going and was told no; she would be tied up in meetings today and tomorrow with the law firm. How nice. Even the law firm isn't sending someone out for representation.

Why is this happening? Why is he being hated so much that nobody is being given the opportunity to pay their respects and say goodbye? None of this is right. I don't hate my in laws. I look at them like I looked at P. At one point of time in his life he was a wonderful man and a loving person but he left this world a sick, broken down old man. I think my in laws are just sick people in need of some serious professional help. I hope they can get that so that they may find some absolution.

If Anyone Knows Someone in Blogger, Please Help!

I have wrote two posts and had people tell me that they can't comment. This new beta blogger is the most inconvenient thing I've ever encountered. I don't know who to contact within blogger to alert them to the problem or to Google for that matter. If anyone knows, please let Barbarian know so that I can figure out how to remedy this issue. Otherwise, I'm going to have to shut down shop! Thanks everyone! I miss you guys!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Death Comes in 3's

Ever heard that before? I have and I'm tired of it; mostly because it seems to pertain to me lately.

Last night I came home with our son, settled in by changing my clothes and parking my ass on the sectional. I had been there with hubby for about an hour with the son in the bedroom watching TV when someone started knocking on the door. It was the sister in law from up the hill. Hubby answered the door and was told to go outside. A few moments later they returned back inside the house and hubby offered Sis a beer. She declined. I looked at both of them and asked how she was doing. She said fine and hubby said firmly "Babe, P died".

I had all kinds of old familiar feelings flood over me like a sick, wet blanket. She then told us that mother in law had asked the nursing home to call her if they didn't see P for a few days (P's wife N, lives at the nursing home and he visited just about every day). Well they called. So, MIL and FIL went to P's house to check on him. He had died days earlier. Nobody knows exactly when. This is going to sound strange, but all I could think about was P sitting on the sofa and going to sleep in the dark and not waking up. Nobody there to say good bye to. Laying there for days in silence. No one to make sure he hadn't soiled himself. Nobody to tell him that it's going to be okay. No one to reassure him that he is still loved no matter how crazy he may be.

This whole "alone thing" bothers me. P was as nutty as a fruitcake but he still deserved some sense of respect. He had a mental illness that "got in the way" of other people's every day dealings. While I listened to other people bitch about the inapropriate things that P said and did, I had an opinion forming in the back of my brain. Shuning him and casting him away because of a mental illness is like discrediting someone because they have cancer. They don't ask for that. They don't wake up one morning and say "Hey! I think I'd like to be crazy and make everyone else's life miserable!" It doesn't work that way.

I don't think P DESERVED what happened to him and I am so sad that he had to leave this world knowing that.

Monday, December 11, 2006

How to trap and kill a notorious lard ass!

I started a new diet. So far so good. I've lost 2 pounds! Woo hoo! I have to monitor my diet, exercise, motivate myself. . . . . MOTIVATE MYSELF???????????? I'm sorry but I'm one of the most cynical people I know. Motivating myself is like asking a Native American to kill a buffalo just for the hell of it and walk away. Not happening. What's the point? I need someone or something up in my face saying "Hey lard ass, quit puttin that shit in your mouth!" Or "I just got done with the plans on a sling to get your monsterous butt up out of bed! I think it can hold all of you if you just give it a chance."

Yeah. I've given up. I monitor my diet and there is even room in Issy's diet for beer. Custom made just for moi! Exercise however is a problem. It didn't used to be but now it is.

When I was young (way young) from the time I was about 6 years old, I danced at a studio. I danced for over 10 years, became a rebelious teen and quit. I weighed 110 pounds and was 5'5". I had my first kid when I was 19 and went from 110 to 172. I lost all of the weight that I put on 2 weeks after I had my daughter.

3.5 years ago, I had my son at the tender age of 32 or 31 (I can't remember) and went from 130 to 174 and am now down to 152 (that's with the 2 pounds lost mind you!). So, for 3.5 years, I have been on the dieting roller coster and to be honest with you, I have become nautious. All I am wanting to get down to is 130. That's it. Even getting into the mid to low 40's would be a start.

Hubby met me when I was working for a grocery store as the asst. mgr. of the dairy department. My title was "Dairy Bitch". No joke. But at the time, I was working 2 jobs, going through a divorce, drinking heavily and smoking a lot of cigarettes. I was solid muscle and built which is why hubby supposedly gravitated to me. He told one of my co-workers "I'm gonna tag that ass in 2 weeks, bet me!" Well I wish I could say that it was 2 weeks but it wasn't. Either way, things have gone down hill with Issy's physice' ever since I "settled down". Now that I'm comfortable and have a 3 year old, I just don't have the time, room or energy to pick my legs up. It makes me wonder where I got all of that energy before? Where in the hell did it go? When I was dancing I worked out 6 days a week at 4.5 hours a day. Why can't I work out for 15 minutes a day 3 times a week? WTF?

Being pleasantly plump is not as attractive as it sounds. What I need is a workout buddy and dieting buddy; physically. Anyone would do. You don't even have to be that nice! That would be asking a hell of a lot anyway considering the type of person I am! So if anyone has any tidbits of useful "motivation" to throw my way, I am open.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Melt down

I go through stages of stress. First there's the bitchy stage. I complain about everything. Nothing goes right. I hate everyone. What's next?

Then there's stage 2, letting EVERYONE know about it and throwing a temper tantrum. At this stage I know there are people out to get me and make me miserable. I purposely pick fights with people just to prove a point whether it needs to be proved or not.

Then there's stage 3 - shut down mode. I don't talk to ANYONE. People will ask me a question and I will blatantly ignore them. Figure it's better than biting there head off; that already happened in stage 2.

So I'm sure some of you are asking "Why go through all of that unecesary stress? Why not just put on a happy face and not take life so seriously?" Well for your information, THAT'S NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Years and years ago I was diagnosed with an anger disorder. I've only told a few people about it and they have all laughed at me. It hurts to be vulnerable about something like that. I've spent litterally years working on dealing with my anger and how to channel it in more productive directions. An anger disorder is this: a person who displays anger differently from a normal person. Most people get angry and curse and let it go. I tend to go into a rage over stupid piddly shit. I've been known to "snap" without saying anything and just haul off physically without regard for who's in the line of fire. I've had to go through my whole life rationalizing what to or not to get mad about. It's not as easy as it sounds when you have an unidentifiable demon running rampant through your subconcious. I wish I could blame my mother for this but this is something that I have to deal with. I don't have time in my life to point the finger anymore. My mom has her own illnesses that she will never overcome. I'm trying to be the bigger person by recognizing mine and trying to do better.

I don't take medicine for it as it's a lifestyle issue (at least at the time that's how it was explained to me). I've hurt a lot of people in my past because of it. I've broken bones because of it; not meaning to. I've lost relationships because of it. And for the most part, people just plain don't understand it. Frankly, I have a hard time understanding it at times.

I know this isn't a positive post and I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me. It's a skeleton in my life that I'm ready to let go of.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Okay. . . have to vent.

Part of my slavery duties entail my securing workable blackberry devices and phones. We used to go through Sprint. We had a rep that everyone hated including the fact that the freak would deliver the phones in the dead of winter in his shorts. The operative word being "delivered". Please keep that in the back of your mind people.

Now we have a NEW company that we are dealing with called Cingular. We are on rep 5 now. He sucks the biggest balls that I have ever come accross. Months ago, I had to order blackberrys for 6 people; three of which are project managers so they travel a lot. It took a month and a half for them to get here! Next, I have a coworker whom had been asking for a replacement phone for 6 weeks through some broad who was more interested in playing the ever popular flirty game with him instead of getting the ball rolling. I took over and started making things happen. Not only did it take an exhorbinant amount of time but he got it "confused" with someone else's phone (Vice President of our parent company! Who knew?) and the original coworker was blamed for the debacle.

Now we are in the saga again. I have two coworkers that have specific needs. One needs a phone ported from Sprint to Cingular and the other needs his phone ported to a blackberr that already exists. Sound dificult? Apparently so. I have heard so many excuses. Here is a sampling:

"Oh! I got your issue confused with another issue and closed your issue out as I thought we were done"
"Oh! I spent two days trying to find the right account information. I MUST have tried it a hundred different ways!"

Now mind you that the only way I can get a reaction out of this fool is to lie to him. I have to tell him that I'm in upper management and that I have people making 7 figures and that if they don't have connectivity that the company will loose billions and fall to pieces. Then I have to play the nasty card. "Why aren't are needs being met? This was something that should have been dealt with weeks ago. What is going on?" This individual has failed. . . . miserably. And I ask you this, if he fails at this job, where will he go next? Obviously he can't master something as simple as customer service, what employer would want him if he can't pull off a remedial task of just being proactive?

It's like a bunch of dancing jackasses. Who needs them? Nobody but they sure are fun as hell to watch! Oh and if you see in the news an article on a de-balled Cingular rep, don't write me back!

Living in Hell

Sorry for the delay but Beta sucks major dick! I haven't been able to post for 4 days because they wouldn't send me my pass. I finally just did it on my own.

Anyway. . . we had a MAJOR ice storm on Thursday evening. My chicken ass didn't go into work as I have a 40 minute commute and didn't want to be stranded in the ghetto so I stayed put at the homestead. Hubby and I watched 13 Ghosts (great flick!), the original Carrie and Carrie the Rage (both great flicks as well!) I made bacon and eggs for breakfast along with home made hot chocolate. We had a great day watching the sleet come down and wonder when the ground would be cold enough for it to stick. We went to bed at around 9:30p and all was well with the world.

Until about 10:30p.

I woke up to a loud motor sound and just laid there for a while. Then I heard a loud popping noise. . . ."Oh. . . Grrrrr. . . God Damnit to hell!" What the hell? Don't you people know I'm trying to sleep down here???? Hubby snored softly next to me so that was a good thing. No sense in waking the beast now. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! Hubby flys out of bed and goes to our door.

"Electric's off"
"Well I figured as much since all's I can hear is that damn generator"
"Well when you get your stuff together, come up to the house"


I was up by then and had heard some other noises not associated with the generator. Didn't know what it was but oh well. . . time to go back to bed.

I didn't sleep very well as I was worried that our son would get too cold and come to bed. That didn't happen and we woke up the next morning to a bright sunny day and bundled up. We tredged up the hill to the in-laws. Torture was ahead but we weren't sure as to what degree the torture would be. This storm was way worse than the storm we endured in July when our power went out. As we went up the hill, we saw whole trees down. We had 3 trees in particular that had so much ice on them that they just laid over and uprooted themselves over our easement. Good thing we had another way out of our property.

We got up to the in law's and already hubby was irritated. It was a bad start right from the get go. While we were up there, I made a full breakfast. I told mother in law (MIL) that if I wasn't around and my son asked for chocolate milk not to give it to him as he had a horrible cough and I didn't want it to get worse. A couple of hours later, my son went into the fridge and saw a pint of chocolate milk and started to cry when he couldn't have it. MIL took it from him and told him it wasn't his and that it was bad and put it back in the fridge. Son cried harder as he didn't understand. So I said "He can have some. . . it won't hurt." She tells me "Oh no! YOU told me he couldn't have any at all." I say "I'm saying that he can have some." "You specifically said no chocolate milk AT ALL". Already it was starting and I had nowhere to hide. Wretched bitch.

Later that evening, MIL suggested that we stay down in their RV so that we could have some privacy. Son would stay there with them so we tredged back down the hill and set up shop. There was some electric running to it so we had lights and heat from a propane tank but no TV. That's okay. We are a creative couple. Instead we grabbed a case of beer, ran to Jack in the Box, got some dinner and called our friend Stumpy. Stumpy met us at our temporary housing and we jumped into his truck.

Now we live in a valley. All of the valley had no power so it was almost pitch black out. The street that we live on is a 2 way street. We headed up one direction to see how bad the damage was. Stumpy drove slow and all of a sudden, ran into a fallen down tree but didn't do any damage to his truck. This was how it was all over the place not to mention all of the downed electrical wires. On our way back, we looked at one of the "mountains" which was caked with snow. All of a sudden, the "mountain" was glowing with a blue and green hue. It was really creepy. As we travelled back to the homestead, we noticed lights on! Yay! No more staying with his evil famiy! By the time we got home, the houses were dark again. A transformer had blown. That's what we saw on the mountain.

We sat out front of the RV and drank some beer and Stumpy headed home. We went in and went to bed. Later on in the middle of the night, it was deathly cold. We drug the down comforter beforehand to put on the bed. Hubby and I rolled from one side to the other just to keep warm. When morning came, we stayed in bed as long as we could as we were freezing. We could see our breath and decided to get up quick and get dressed. The temperature registered under 30 degrees. We went to our home and collected some clothes and headed back up the hill to shower and eat.

When I got up there, I couldn't find hubby. No breakfast, no coffee, no talking. What was going on? I asked MIL where he was and was ignored. I waited and she finally said he was in the shower. A few minutes later he came out all fresh and said "Go take a shower and we'll go get some breakfast". I went in, did my duty and came out and was almost dressed when I realized I needed to call my buddy and let her know what the status was.

While on the phone I heard in another room "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" What the hell? I poked my head around the corner and saw hubby standing there and all was well. Seems as though father in law was talking to the dog. I went back in and closed the door to the bathroom. All of a sudden the door flew open and there was my father in law giving me a dirty look. He reached past me and grabbed a hair dryer and stormed out. THAT'S when the fight started.

"Why are you so angry?" (MIL)

Father in law walks outside.

By then, I was out with hubby who was arguing with MIL. Great. I can join this one.

"It's because of Steve. That's why he's so upset" (MIL)
"I don't care about Steve! That doesn't give him the right to talk to people like that mom!"
"Well, he needs counselling"
"We should have never stayed in that RV. We would have been just fine in our house and if we froze to death, oh well"
"Yeah, god forbid we die of hypothermia"
"I haven't done anything wrong" MIL
"Of course you haven't. You never do right?"
MIL started to say something and I interrupted her.
"I don't want to hear anymore bullshit out of anyone right now. Nobody. I'm tired of all of this shit. It's getting really old. Let's go."
"Make sure your daughter in law has a nice warm bed to sleep in tonight mom. We'll just freeze at our house tonight and hopefully die."

We left the house and just drove. Didn't care where but needed to get away.

When we came back we decided to stay at our house for the remainder of the day. Come hell or high water, we were going to bundle up, light some candles and play games and get drunk. We invited Stumpy over and he played too with us. Electric came back on at about 5:30p Saturday night and we had to deal with power surges for a couple of hours before it came on for real to stay.

I did a dance in every room of our home.