Thursday, January 04, 2007

Change Sux!

This has to do with my job. It may be boring so I'm sorry ahead of time. Although my old boss is pretty fiery in this one!

The company that I work for is an AV company. The division that I work for does major events and conventions. I managed the whole office of 42 people but now have gone through a divisional split. I now work with 12 people. My boss is not one of the people in our "team". So therefore, now I have a new boss. There's a big problem though. . . .

Nobody told him that I am no longer his assistant.

Yesterday I had to go into 2 meetings. Let me just say that both were orchestrated by T (we'll call my old boss that for now) whom wasn't supposed to be having them at all since nobody except for one person reports to him. I was in both. I was uncomfortable in both. The last one was the worst because I had to go over what my new job duties are with him which made no sense. But since my new boss is on the road, I decided to play dumb to the whole thing.

My new boss, R, called into the meeting and played dumb too until T spilled the beans and told him that he was creating a memo for one of the managers letting them know which duties I was dumping. All hell broke loose while I was there in his office. This is somewhat how it went:

T: Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
T: Oh that's right R; you haven't been to any meetings that we've had.
R: Nice T.
T: You know what R? This isn't getting any of us anywhere.

The call lasted for about 20 minutes and the aftermath after he hung up the receiver was even worse.

One of my co-workers came to me later on and asked what was wrong. I tried to tell him that I couldn't talk about it but I had to run to the ladies room before I started crying. T ended it with him shaking my hand and sarcastically saying "Nice workin with ya".

I called R when I got home to go over the meeting(s) and he was all calm about it and said "Issy, it was all just a big cock fight. Don't worry about it. I'm really sorry you got into the middle of it and I will take care of it when I get back on Wednesday". That really helped out.

I don't have any respect for my old boss. I used to have some but now I just feel sorry for him. I pointed out last night to R that for a 55 year old man, I just couldn't understand how immature and unprofessional he could be. He agreed.


Barbarian02003 said...

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, Good-bye!

The Grunt said...

Oooh, drama at the work place. It totally sucks to get caught in-between cock fighting like this.

Issy said...

Ha! Too funny!