Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Today I was called a hypocrite. Funny. I reread what I wrote and was a bit confused. It all started as a friendly banter back and forth on where people live. I was arguing that the individuals "perception" is not reality.

I did take it personally. I was being criticized on where I live and the "profiling" that takes place where I live at. Here's my take on it.

I live in the St. Louis area. St. Louis is not the best place for everyone to live. St. Louis is one of those cities where it's a common law joke to ask where you went to high school at. That is because St. Louis has people that have lived here the majority of their lives or either their whole life. This is not a typical "pass through" city. People don't come here to start great careers. People come here to get comfortable and stay comfortable.

I do take MASSIVE offense to someone who attacks my character and judges me as a whole race/group of people. I represent the ever-mighty bitch group. You can find us everywhere; not just in St. Louis. I like being challenged everyday by the people in my community. I live in the country and the people there will stop what they are doing to help you out. We don't have street cleaners so everyone is conscious of picking up after themselves.

I grew up in an upper class county. I hated it. I still hate it. The majority of the people there are fake and judgemental which is why I made the choice to move further south. I have the right to say that though because I lived in that fucking town. Someone who is an outsider who has moved and lived in more places than the town whore has had a turn on all of the male patrons in a town has no business or right judging where I live or where I choose to live.

Yes I'm hot. . . and bothered. I have had many people comment on my blog and they have all been supportive and upbeat about things that I believe and that's coming from people ALL over the country if not world. I have never felt belittled, dirty and stupid because I know I am none of these things. I am absolutely gorgeous on the inside and out. What I have to offer others is a major blessing and those of you should be thankful that I share that with you. I am proud of where I came from, I am proud of what I have done with my life. I am proud of my kids, my family, my beliefs, my career and my friends. I am proud of my home and my car. I am proud that I love to drink beer every night and I am proud of the fact that I flipped off the fuck that cut me off this morning (btw. . . your car sucks BMW fucko!) I am proud that I'm not the slimmest women in the mid west (someone must have had a bad experience with a 300 pound slut in the St. Louis area apparently).

I'm done for now. I just had to state my point. I'm tired of everyone being so god damned negative. If you can't shit then get off the wretched pot. Do something to change it if you don't like it.


Barbarian02003 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbarian02003 said...

Crap, I deleted my own comment. Damn computers.

I'm giving peace a try today, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

The Grunt said...

I have thought of going on and getting my PhD just so I could do my thesis on BMW fuckos. It was a couple of weeks ago that one of those BMW fuckos, in a tracksuit no less, held up the car wash that I was waiting in line to use. He took freaking 20 minutes and the dude behind me would not let me escape!

So, you are not so slim? I'm guessing then that you are a real woman and that is a good thing. I grew up around real women.

Issy said...

Awwww. . .thanks Gruntie! I have "embraced" my womanhood unwillingly. You can ask Barbarian, I used to look deathly slim and have had lots of compliments now that I've packed on an additional 30 pounds.

Sorry about the 20 minutes of waiting on the BMW freak. The last time I had to wait at the car wash, I rolled down all of the windows down in the charger and cranked up Cypress Hill. I got a spot real quick!

Barbarian02003 said...

Oh, Grunt, don't be fooled. We are ALL woman. Issy and I have nice bodies. We will never be confused with the pencil-thin wafer-crackers that parade around on runways today, but we fill out a pair of jeans rather nicely.