Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Men are Raging Dicks!!!!!!

Sorry guys. . . I'm a bad, bad girl for not writing!

So I get a phone call from my mother yesterday. Seems as though my daughter had a "situation" last night in regards to men. She has been seeing a boy for 2 weeks now. She has a "backwards" dance (aka Sadie Hawkins for those of you old fuckers such as myself) and asked this boy if he would be her date. He graciously said yes and on we go.

Now mind you this dance is 2 weeks away. My poor dear has already bought her dress. Do I sound dreadful? Yes. I went to visit her on Sunday. Everything was fine in boy land. I left and went home to do stuff and get ready for bed. While I was doing that he was getting ready to designate the bomb. In the form of an email, he broke up with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why?. . . .


My god! What a lame excuse!!!!! I said something to hubby about it. I told him that I bet anything that the little shit couldn't get his dick wet so he came up with a stupid ass excuse!

I now want to go to his house and beat the holy hell out of that boy. Of course you don't know anyone that well within the course of 2 weeks! What was he thinking? That "oh maybe I'll find out her blood type within that period and if not, then hit the bricks sister". Then my daughter tells me this:

We were sitting on a "love seat" so he asks me (daughter) "what are we sitting on?"
She responds "a love seat"
He says "so that means you love me"?
She says "I guess".
He says "well I do".

What a flake.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sorry everyone. I was stuck on post 69 and just couldn't bring myself to add one more! (Bad joke.)

Anyway, I wish I could talk openly about the situation with our home and with hubby's family but I really can't due to legal reasons. All I can say is this, I'm staying as far away from his mom as I can. Ever heard of the term "circling the drain"? I don't want to get sucked in and go down like she is. It's actually quite peaceful distancing myself.

Hubby and I are doing great! He hasn't worked consistently for months now and money is really tight but we will make it. I hate the winter because of that. I think in the spring we will go on a little excursion.

My little man is doing great! Although he did something fruit on Monday. Sunday night I made dinner. I put a chicken leg on his plate and a small amount of penne pasta with cheese sauce. He wanted to watch his "shows" instead of eating and we told him that either he eat or go to bed. Either way, TV was not an option. So he decided to go to bed. He woke up the next morning saying that his tummy hurt and I reminded him of the fact that he hadn't eaten. So I took him to daycare and he threw up all over the kitchen. So we trekked back home and I put him in the bed and turned on the TV for him. He ate 2 bowls of Cheez-its, a little debbie snack cake, 2 pieces of toast, a PBJ, 2 go-gurts, chicken tenders, peas and a bunch of water. Yeah, he was sick all right.

Then there's my best friend. She is going through a rough time right now and I really don't know what I can do to ease her frustration. She's basically being ignored in her marriage and I just want to shake her hubby and wake him up. She's a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman. I have been making more of an effort to spend more time with her to get her mind off of struggles that she is having a hard time conquering. All I can do is listen and try to paraphrase. That's all I would need from her if I was going through what she is. I have actually and she has always had a bent ear and waited 4 hours if need be for me to get it off my chest. Actually what we really need is a much needed girls night out! Right now though, I am not financially prepared for that until about another month.

Well, that's what is going on with me. Except for work. . . . NONE of you want to know about that. I'm waiting for something positive to happen before I blog about.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Yay! It's Tuesday!

Good morning everyone reading! Tuesday is not usually recognized as a day of recognition but for me I thought I'd start nothing new.

Everyone hates Mondays. Nobody likes to work, go anywhere or do anything on Mondays. Tuesdays are however after Mondays so how could it be that much worse? It's not.

Then there's Wednesdays. The ever popular "hump" day. Now if your lucky enough to get laid on that day then this theory would apply to you. Most of us don't have partners that are willing to recognize this day specifically dedicated to "gettin some". Mind you Tuesdays are usually days when my hubby puts out so Tuesday would be my "hump" day.

Now on to Thursday. This day has it made as the prequel to the ever popular Friday. Everyone is gearing up for a big party. Thursdays for me however are my workout day which means that the day of pain will follow on Friday making it not such a hot day in Issy's book. Oh did I mention that I work out on Tuesday as well?

Friday is next which is every one's time to get together with coworkers before the big bash happens called the weekend. This is when my drinking occurs to take the edge off of sore muscles and forgetting about retarded co-workers.

Ah. . . . the weekend. Mass amounts of alcohol consumed here just knowing that you have to start all over again on the dreaded Monday.

Vicious circle? That alone calls for a drink! Cheers everyone!~

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Change Sux!

This has to do with my job. It may be boring so I'm sorry ahead of time. Although my old boss is pretty fiery in this one!

The company that I work for is an AV company. The division that I work for does major events and conventions. I managed the whole office of 42 people but now have gone through a divisional split. I now work with 12 people. My boss is not one of the people in our "team". So therefore, now I have a new boss. There's a big problem though. . . .

Nobody told him that I am no longer his assistant.

Yesterday I had to go into 2 meetings. Let me just say that both were orchestrated by T (we'll call my old boss that for now) whom wasn't supposed to be having them at all since nobody except for one person reports to him. I was in both. I was uncomfortable in both. The last one was the worst because I had to go over what my new job duties are with him which made no sense. But since my new boss is on the road, I decided to play dumb to the whole thing.

My new boss, R, called into the meeting and played dumb too until T spilled the beans and told him that he was creating a memo for one of the managers letting them know which duties I was dumping. All hell broke loose while I was there in his office. This is somewhat how it went:

T: Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
T: Oh that's right R; you haven't been to any meetings that we've had.
R: Nice T.
T: You know what R? This isn't getting any of us anywhere.

The call lasted for about 20 minutes and the aftermath after he hung up the receiver was even worse.

One of my co-workers came to me later on and asked what was wrong. I tried to tell him that I couldn't talk about it but I had to run to the ladies room before I started crying. T ended it with him shaking my hand and sarcastically saying "Nice workin with ya".

I called R when I got home to go over the meeting(s) and he was all calm about it and said "Issy, it was all just a big cock fight. Don't worry about it. I'm really sorry you got into the middle of it and I will take care of it when I get back on Wednesday". That really helped out.

I don't have any respect for my old boss. I used to have some but now I just feel sorry for him. I pointed out last night to R that for a 55 year old man, I just couldn't understand how immature and unprofessional he could be. He agreed.